to the peoples of Wattpad:

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Hey guys!
Frost here!

Oh my god its her!!!
She's never on here!

Yeah... Sorry about not being active.

So idk what really made me want to say this but:

Yes you! The reader! The writer! The artist! The comic person!
You! Who ever you are!

Please read this:

I wanted to tell you, thet you are perfect! Amazing! Beautiful! Unique!
Funny! Kind! Helpfull! Useful! Worth everything in the world!!!
You are you!
And nothing is better then that.
Don't let anyone tell you other wise.
And if they do, you can always talk to me! (I may also kill them but that's a diffrent rant😜😂)
I wanted you to know, that I care about you! I care what you like, want, do, write, draw, act, play, anything and everything.
You are perfect.
Well, I guess we all know, no pne is perfect, but YOU are!!!
You are perfectly imperfect!
All of your faults make you, YOU!
And I like everyone of them!
Becuse you are perfect!
No one can convince me other wise.
Now, I'm not gonna sit here and say its okay. Because I know people who sometimes say that can be annoying.
So let me say this:
Its WILL get better.
It has to. After every storm there is a rainbow.
After every heartbreak...
You can heal.
You wanna know how I know this?
1. You can do anything!
2. You are amazing, and the world can not miss out on that!
3. You are strong.
4. You are brave.
5. You can do this.
Becuse I belive in you!
So don't let anyone bring you down, and if it happens, I'm here.
You can always talk to me.
So, go out there...
If your not introverted like me,
But still.
Go out there and rule the world!

Becuse you can.
You are perfect.

~Frost out💙❤💙❤💙❤💙❤💙

But I love you (Daniel x Reader, Book One) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now