Operation: R.O.B.B.E.R.S.

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Credit in this episode goes to: Mr. Warburton, Mo Willems, Matt Peters, & Abigail Nesbitt

We open in on a bunch of kids at a bus stop two of them are 4, & 5. All the kids look upset except Numbuh 4 who is singing about going to school.

Numbuh 5: Since when are you happy to go to school?

Numbuh 4: I did my spelling homework last night.

Numbuh 5: Why waste your time? You're perfectly capable of getting an F without doing anything.

They get on the bus and sit down.

Numbuh 4: I'm serious. It's about time I prove to everybody just what kind of genius I am. (We see a girl laughing)

Numbuh 5: (Snickers) We already know what kind of genius you are.

Numbuh 4: Exactly. I spent all night calibrating the answers, and I found new and better ways to spell some of the words. I'll be getting a 120% super A+ for sure. (They sit down at the back of the bus) I'll even let you copy me so you can get an A+ in spelling too. (Pulls out homework)

Numbuh 5: Copy your homework?! You can't even spell your Numbuh. The only reason you did your homework is because you're trying to impress the new teacher and show her how smart you are so she doesn't treat you like the others did.

Numbuh 4: That's not true! I uh… did it strictly for educational purposes and for your information the Numbuh 4 is spelled with a Q in Australia. Mrs. Thompson would know that.

Numbuh 5: Whatever.

Numbuh 4 starts erasing and rewriting. The bus drives off (it's a train bus) and while it does this we see 5 floating figures.

Leader Cowgirl (LCG): (spits gum in to a kid made gun) Let's do this.

We see two boys talking and trading their yipper cards while a girl sees the 5 figures approaching through the window. She gasp and yells bandits.

Big Cowboy (BCB): (climbs on to the bus and makes dents in it and comes through the glass on the roof) Don't nobody move! This here's a stick up!

Cut to 5 & 4 again. Numbuh 4 is writing.

Numbuh 5: I'm telling you the word chicken does not have a 2 in it.

Numbuh 4: Well it does know.

A Blond Cowgirl (BCG) waves while driving by.

Numbuh 5: (taps Numbuh 4) Hey genius. Check this out.

Numbuh 4: (swipes him off) Not now. I'm working on a way to spell Mississippi with no S's.

BCB: Everybody freeze! Put your hands in the air!

A boy talks about how it's impossible to freeze and put their hands in the air. (You know a real smarta**) He gets hit with a wad of gum and screams about his hair.

LCG: Unless anyone else wants to gum in their hair, I suggest y'all put your homework in this here bag. (Holds up bag) Now!

Numbuh 4: (looking at her homework) X, L, ?...

LCG: (takes homework) Give me that!

Numbuh 4: (surprised) Hey.

LCG: That ain't the way you spell the word hat.

Numbuh 4: (takes homework) Shows what you know. This here homework is A+ material.

LCG: Great. (Takes homework) Just what the boss wants. (Walks away)

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