Chill Afternoon

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PictureCredt: Cheedo6 on DeviantArt

Woah, a story by MxrvelTyme? Is this really true? Yes, I'm not dead but eW I read some of my old stories and they were so bad and cRingY. How did you guys manage to survive it? Well, I think I'm doing better on writing. Also forgive the errors I don't have my glasses ;;

Also R.I.P to a legend, Stan the man Lee. You will be dearly missed.
Tony pressed a grey button in the elevator, it lit up and turned yellow. The doors closed and he was being lifted to the living room, while Tony waited he started humming, he rocked back and forth a bit impatient.
The elevator doors finally opened and Tony walked out and took his jacket and shoes off leaving his socks on, he walked over to the kitchen. He grabbed his favourite cup from the cupboard, it said 'World's Greatest Defender' with the Iron Man symbol under the words. It made Tony a bit happier.
He started to heat up some coffee for his cup and leaned on the counter, waiting.
Stephen walked downstairs and looked at Tony wondering why he was wearing his glasses inside, "Are you protecting your eyes from the moon?" He chuckled as he walked over to Tony,
"You have to agree I look amazing with them." Tony smiled slightly showing his pearly white teeth, he slowly slid his hands in his pant pockets, "You do look amazing." Stephen smiled and took a step closer to Tony, Stephen then heard the sound of some sort of liquid pouring. "Making coffee I see."
"Mhm." Tony nodded and looked back at the coffee maker, "I bet you could live off of coffee if you had the choice." Stephen chuckled at the little joke he made, so did Tony.
After Tony was done making his coffee Stephen asked Tony if he would like to watch maybe a Christmas themed Movie, of course, Tony couldn't say no to Stephen. He was a bit nicer to him the with other people.
As Stephen got the Movie ready Tony was in the corner of the couch wrapped with the blanket like a Britto. He was pretty comfy, Stephen sat down next to Tony not bothering to take the blanket from him so he could have some, instead he hugged him.
It was a pretty chill afternoon, not much was happening but the two loved it when they had free time. They got to spend time with each other and they had many things they could do together so it never got boring.
"Should we decorate the house this year?" Stephen said halfway into the movie, "Well, the kid is allowed to stay here on Winter Break so we could decorate with him and also put the tree up with him. There are many things we could do."

Sounds like fun.

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