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Stephen slowly opened his eyes because of a small crack of sunlight shined on his face, he quietly groaned and mumbled to himself feeling grumpy. He tried to sit up but felt a small amount of weight bring him down. He looked down and remembered that Tony was a person who moved a lot and liked to hug anything they could in their sleep, so, Tony was hugging Stephen.

He slightly smiled at his lover and rubbed his eyes with his one free hand because the other, well, Tony was also holding onto.
It felt a bit numb.
He laid there for about, maybe 20 minutes or so but Tony finally moved over where his back was now facing Stephen and Stephen took that opportunity to get up from the bed.

He stretched his back and arms while yawning, he stopped and scratched his shoulder before slowly walking towards the closet.
He opened the door and took out a red shirt with Rudolph on it and some regular blue jeans. He started putting them on since he was only wearing his boxers right now.

When he was done he slowly walked downstairs and headed straight to the coffee maker, that was the most loved thing in the house.
He turned it on and waited for the water to heat up, while he waited he opened the cupboard door and took out a bag of bread. He placed it on the counter and closed the cupboard, he walked over to the fridge and took out the eggs.
He closed the fridge door and placed the eggs next to the bread, he then opened the cupboard one more time for a cup for the coffee, he also took out Tony's favourite cup.
Tony woke up maybe the worst way, well for one Stephen wasn't there and for two, his head was aching. Morning headache.

Tony rolled near the edge of the bed and sat up, he rubbed his eyes and stood up. He didn't bother to change so he just headed toward downstairs for some- "Is there any coffee?" Tony asked Stephen while he was walking down the stairs, "Yes Tony, also I made you some eggs, do you like lots of pepper?"

"Yes and thanks." he slowly and tiredly walked to the coffee maker and poured some coffee into his favourite cup that was already on the counter next to the coffee maker.

He poured in some milk and a packet of sweetener into his coffee, he stirred it with a small wooden stick that looked like a popsicle stick. When he was done he sat down at the kitchen table and Stephen handed him a plate with lots of eggs that had lots of pepper, oh how Tony loved pepper on his eggs uwu. Also, two pieces of toast that had jelly on them, while Tony was looking at what was on his plate Stephen sat in front of him with a plate that looked exactly like Tonys but the eggs were just white.

"You don't like the yolk?"
Tony said as his eyebrows scrunched up,
Stephen just shook his head and took a small bite of just food. Tony took a bite of his eggs and lifted his fork so it was pointing at Stephen, "How come you woke up so early?" Tony said with a mouthful
Stephen shrugged, "Sometimes you wake up early, sometimes you don't."
He continued eating and looked at Tony a bit serious, "and don't talk with your mouth full it's disgusting."

Tony shrugged and chuckled, "I do what I want."
I would make this longer but you know, I don't have time but anyway I hope you enjoyed this even though I'm not writing anything interesting anymore...
But next chapter might have Peter in it because
they are a great family.

IronStrange {One-Shot}Where stories live. Discover now