Sick Day (filler story? It's short oops)

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Stephen already got up and ready for the day making coffee and breakfast for the two lovers. He didn't think twice about how Tony slept in but after an hour later he started to worry, he finished his coffee with a large gulp and headed upstairs. He wondered what was distracting Tony from getting ready but when he opened the door his annoyed expression changed, Tony laid on the bed like a star fish with the covers on the edge of the bed and the blanket folded into a messy straight line across his chest, he was sweating like he'd just came out of the gym.
Stephen stared at the smaller man before walking over to him and feeling his temperature, he sighed with worry and tiredness.
It seemed that he was sick.
Stephen let the man rest but decided to make his resting area more comfortable, he fixed the bed and after tucked Tony in with a kiss on the forehead, "I think I'm going to die." Tony mumbled as Stephen laughed at him and ruffled his hair, "Stop over exaggerating, I can make you soup if you want."
"I want vegetable soup, weird craving." Tony slightly shrugged groaning after his head started to ache with pain.

Stephen rubbed his forehead once again before walking out of his room.
After a while later he arrived with a small bowl full of vegetable soup, Tony was still wide awake laying down doing absolutely nothing but his bored expression changed when he spotted Stephen, "Wizard, you got my soup?" he asked feeling a bit better. Stephen nodded sitting down on the corner of the bed and lifting a spoonful of soup and gently blowing on it to cool it down, "Open your mouth." Stephen hummed and placed the spoon in Tony's mouth receiving a moan of pleasure, "this is super good." He smiled and closed his eyes, "Feed me some more." Stephen chuckled and continued to feed him until the bowl was empty.

Tony groaned finishing his last slurp of the soup and slowly sat up making Stephen glare at him and lightly push me back into bed, "Rest please, you need to be better tomorrow because you have many things booked." Tony nodded in agreement and sighed with exhausted, "I just have one request then.."
"What may it be?"

"Even though I'm sick can we cuddle?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2019 ⏰

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