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"TONY!" The Sorcerer shouted from the top of his lungs, he had just told the man in armour to follow his plan by going left while he went right, but since Tony Stark was Tony Stark he had to be cocky once in a while and had to do his own thing. "LISTEN TO ME-" Before the Sorcerer could finish the sentence the enemy had whipped him across the room and sent him flying towards a wall, his back smashed right into the wall as the wall itself started to crack and fall apart from the sudden impact. "STRANGE!" It was now Tony's turn to yell, he stopped right in his tracks and immediately turned around to make sure his friend was okay, he ran as fast as he could since his armour was a bit damaged but mostly the boosters had been damaged.

The enemy turned it attention to Tony, they turned around and grabbed the largest thing near them. They threw a part of the wall Strange had been threw into, he laid there looking miserable and in pain.
Tony took the rest of his energy and tried his best to dodge the attack and was able to miss it without getting himself hurt but was able to break a shoulder piece off of his suit. He ignored it as the only thing n his mind was, Stephen Strange.

Once the Genius was close enough to the enemy he stopped right in front of him and let hundreds of mini missiles fly from the back of his suit right into the enemy's face. The enemy's body was soon covered in a green liquid, which I'm pretty sure represented his blood. The unconscious body fell to the ground and laid still. Tony didn't care, he sprinted to Strange hoping his wasn't going anywhere. He slid on the ground in front of the doctor and hugged his softly, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,," was all Tony said, the doctor weakly hugged him back, "It's alright, it'll be fine." He said in a raspy voice and coughed at the end. When Tony opened his eyes to make sure Strange was alright, it seems the enemy got to him before he could. Not all stories have a happy ending.


"STRANGE!" The Billionaire shouted as he jolted up from the bed while beads of sweat trickled down his forehead, he sighed as he noticed it was all a dream. He smiled as he felt someone or something next time his. "Strange I just had a terrible night-" he reached over to the person, "...mare." He finished as he remembered, Strange died three years ago right in his hands.

Tears trickled down his face as he wished he had listened to his lover.

Why didn't I listen?

Oops sorry for the angst story.

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