: beautiful :

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sorry this gif is pure gold-

sksks he's just a walking spoiler

also thanos is poor

this is the outfit you are wearing!!

this is the outfit you are wearing!!

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i larb this outfit so much

it's also with the purse

s m u t ~



I messed with the hemline of my delicate lace dress, impatiently waiting for my friends to get here. Ned, Peter Parker, and Peter's Aunt May, who was our designated driver. It was the first time (for all of us) of going to a 'popular kid' party. Liz Allen. I didn't exactly like her, as she tended to act kind around males, but was snooty and rude around us females. And that was what had ensnared my own best friend/crush, Peter Parker.

That was also the other reason I was going. It was enough of a reason to dress up, so I was tagging along with Peter and Ned. I glimpsed a pair of yellow and white headlights coming up, and waved my hand in the air, smiling as I spotted May behind the wheel.

She pulled up beside me, the back door unlocking as May's window rolled down. "Wow, Y/N! You clean up nice!" She lowered her voice to a whisper. "Dressing up for someone?~" I blushed. May knew full well about my crush on Peter, and supported it with all her heart. I opened the back door, blinking in surprise as I noticed both Ned and Peter in the back, and Ned's bulky backpack in the front.

I saw Peter's eyes slide over me, lingering on certain locations before returning to my eyes. I turned a deep scarlet as I noticed his hazel eyes deepen a shade. Ned smiled brightly and waved. "C'mon, Y/N, or we're gonna be late!" I sat inside, practically on Peter's lap with the small interior of the car and the inclusion of both Pete and Ned. I looked at Ned, my cheeks stained red. "What's with the backpack? Are you going to the party with us, or to the library?" I joked.

Ned rolled his eyes. "Laugh all you want. That backpack holds a lot of important things! That's all i'm gonna say." I laughed, and tried to be as comfortable as possible, while also sitting on Peter's lap and basically causing both me and Peter to blush bright red. I was barely able to focus on what May was saying, due to literally sitting on Peter's lap.

Ten minutes in, I felt something hard poke my arse. I looked at Peter, knowing exactly what it was. His face has flustered and he kept avoiding my gaze. I smacked him on the arm and whispered in his ear. "Peter! I gave you a boner?" He blinked and met my eyes, which were clouded over with lust and a much deeper shade of brown.

I got a sudden idea, and smirked. I pushed my arse backwards, grinding slightly on his bulge. Peter let out a low moan into my ear, making me turn flustered. I let our a low yelp as Peter help my waist and grinded slowly into my hips.

I tried to pay attention to the conversation and Ned and May were having, but it was hard to pay attention with Peter's soft moans in my ear and the constant movement. Suddenly, Peter placed his hands on my hips, and pushed me backwards, grinding into me a bit harder. I felt myself growing hotter by the second, intensely turned on.

Suddenly, May's car stopped by Liz's house, and Peter let go of my hips. I let out a low whine at the loss of movement, but managed to get out of the car and walk a few steps away calmly, holding my clutch in front of my center. Peter got out before me, keeping his hands folded over his crotch. I stepped closer to him, within distance for him to kiss me, but instead smoothed down his sleeves, and ran my hands down his jacket lapels. I fixed his bow-tie, looking into his deep, coffee brown eyes. Peter suddenly placed one hand on the small of my back, and pulled me closer.

"You're absolutely beautiful, but you will pay for the teasing."

I pulled back, my cheeks flaring a bright red. Ned had grabbed his backpack, and joined us just then. May gave us each a good-bye, and drove off while smiling at me. I headed inside, aware of how close Peter was to my side. I headed inside Liz's open front door, gasping at the beautiful set-up and layout. Liz came up to us just then.

"Y/n. What a...surprise." Liz looked me up and down, and I kept my gaze on her flat brown irises. She glanced over at Peter, her smirk immediately melting off and being replaced with a lying-ass grin. "Hey Peter! We've got drinks, and pizza's in the kitchen. I'll be in the living room if you need me~" Liz traced her fingers down Peter's right arm, and then left. I just realized I was clenching my hands into tight fists, and nearly crushing my clutch's items. I relaxed my hand, and massaged out the knots.

Ned went off towards some corner of the party with MJ, and I headed into the kitchen, Peter on my heels. I nearly grabbed a cupcake, before Peter gently held my wrist and pulled me out, into one of the various bedrooms in the house. He pinned me up against the door, holding my hands over my head with one of his own hands. I let out a low groan as Peter traced my cheekbone with one of his hands. "P-Parker, stop being a fucking tease." His eyes gleamed. "But you were being a tease, weren't you Y/n?" I moaned as he buried his face in my neck, nipping upwards, and tracing a neat line to my earlobe. He kissed at a spot on my neck, leaving a light bruise.

"Parker. S-stop with the teasing." Peter trailed a line of kisses upwards, placing his lips right beside my ear."

"If you don't like my teasing, then why are you moaning?"

hahA bye losers

hope you liked that lmao


(1043 words)

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