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credit goes to nerdivity for this inspiration

smitheryees just so you could find this

i don't know how the hell tom is still single lmao-


Y/N's POV:

I sighed as the smell of coffee and cinnamon filled my nose. The door to the cafe swung shut behind me, as I looked around at my familiar surroundings. Cafe Milano. The one beautiful casual library cafe, with a reading nook, and food. I could stay here forever. I walked over to the counter, and placed an order down for a small hot chocolate and a red velvet cupcake.

I headed over to the library, grabbing my usual seat and sliding the book I'd been reading for the past two days out of the shelf. To my surprise, there was a stiff piece of blue paper sticking out of the book, right beside my Spider-Man bookmark. Hey, sue me.

 Peter Parker's pretty cute. I sat down in the red armchair next to the bookcase, flipping the book open to the page. I twisted the note, making it easier for me to read.

Nice bookmark. I noticed that you come here pretty often, every Friday, like me. You're pretty cute. You have really good taste in books, too. ♥️

Cute? Me? I think they need glasses. Who was this person, anyway? Cafe Milano was a little, tucked away cafe in London, a chance discovery of mine. Not many people even visited this place.

I picked up a small piece of lined paper from the table beside me, and scribbled a small note out, and placed it back into the book. 

I think you need glasses. I'm really not cute. You sound like the cuter one here. What's your name?  When do you usually come around here? My name's y/n. 

So I had one clue there. The person who came here must be a commoner or he lived nearby. I heard my name being called from the counter, and got up. "The game is afoot, Watson." I muttered, picking up my order, and leaving, still pondering over any possibilities. 

exactly one week later

I walked back into the cafe, and instead of getting my usual hot chocolate, I skipped it and walked over to the book section, smiling slightly upon seeing yet another note next to my bookmark.  Again, on stiff, bound blue paper. They didn't have that kind of paper in the cafe. 

I usually come here around four pm. My name's Tom.  And trust me, love, you're the sweetest girl I've ever seen. I'm just a British boy who happened to see you. Your name is beautiful. 

Huh. His name was Tom, and he was British, just like a certain spider-boy. Wouldn't it be funny if it really was him. 

I blushed. And then I glanced at my watch, leaping out of my chair as I noticed the time. "Shit, it's five minutes until four!" I carefully sat at one of the tables at the front of the cafe. I glanced at the door every time the light g-note of the doorbell rang out, but nobody came in that seemed to resemble him. 

I sat down, reading A Study In Scarlet, the book that Tom and I had been sharing all of our messages in. I flipped through a few pages, my mind swimming between the world of Sherlock and John, and my current situation.

I placed the book on the cafe table gently, pressing a napkin in between the gently crinkled pages, and put it down. I could never really bring myself to press a book face-down onto a table, or dog-ear it. I always found something to use as a bookmark.

I went towards the counter, and put an order down for two hot chocolates, seeing as the wind was howling and whipping furiously against the windows. I also glanced at the pastry case, and against the more sensible voice in my head, I got a small red velvet pastry to share. 

I waited at the counter for almost five minutes, carefully picking up the drinks and the pastry bag, but when I turned around, I spotted someone else at my table, their face buried in the book. All I could see of them was an extremely fluffy head full of brown hair and the carefully turned-up collar of a leather jacket. 

I walked over to my table and sat down, carefully putting the drinks down and the cake. I tapped the cover of the book with my finger, and my breath was taken away when the person lowered their book. 

It was Tom. Tom Holland to be specific. And...damn, he took my breath away. (he has the same outfit as the picture above) I looked into his hazel eyes, while he looked into mine, realization dawning on both our faces. 

My lip-glossed lips formed a perfect o, as I sat down and still not breaking his gaze. I carefully reached across the table as Tom put the book own, still putting...a rough blue piece of paper. Just like the ones that my notes were written on.

I smiled at him softly as Tom held my hand, letting his fingers draw careful circles on my hand. We stayed like that for a long time, until Tom spoke up. "Hi, y/n. " I smiled. "Hi, Tom." 

"You were my admirer? I didn't expect...you to be my admirer." Tom laughed. "You didn't expect me, or that you would have an admirer?" I blushed. "Both.  I didn't think I would be worthy of even having an admirer. "

Tom carefully leaned across the table, pushing the drinks to the side slowly as to not spill them. I leaned across the table at the same time, pressing my lips to Tom's soft pink ones. I could feel his breath hitching, as well as mine. 

I felt pieces of the universe slide together at his touch, bringing me the one thing I was missing in my life.


Pure, innocent love. 

It was a short and sweet kiss, but Tom pulled back slowly, murmuring something against my lips. 

"You are beautiful enough. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise." 


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