//I Don't Feel So Good, Mr.Stark.//

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this is my OC Lily so i'm sorry about the name

Assassin! Lily


-super speed
-best weapon: knives


I let my long blue hair down as I slashed and stabbed. I managed to take down about three outriders, Proxima Midnight landing in the battlefield as Steve rang in on the intercom piece.

"Lily, get to the palace. Now." I didn't question it, I knew Vision was in the palace...but wasn't Wanda there? Wakanda nonsense was this? (I couldn't resist😂)

I quickly got the answer to my question as I turned, Wanda quickly using her powers to grab the giant blades aiming for my head, slicing through several ranks of outriders. I sighed and gave her a quick smile, flipping over as I
sprinted to the palace.

I glanced back for a short moment, and nearly cried out at the sight of Wanda on the ground, Proxima Midnight holding her staff to her throat. I let out an enormous breath I didn't know I had been holding as I saw Nat(her new blond hair looks actually nice, but I preferred the red hair😉) and Okoye come out and start battling.

I was almost to the palace when I heard a loud crash above me, spotting Vision and Corvius Glave smash through a window and topple into the forest. I managed to get a glimpse of Vision's forehead...that still had the power stone in it.

I groaned, wondering why Shuri didn't take it out already. I tapped my earpiece twice, activating it and calling in Steve. "Rogers, get to the forest to the east of the palace. Vision emergency." I could tell Steve was struggling, trying not to curse, but instead he sighed and responded with a quick "Going."

So now I had two concerns: check on Shuri and Vision. My feet shuffled in both directions, confused on where to go. I sighed, building up speed and dashing up the side of the building, comforted by the sight of Steve running into the forest.

My only words to Steve: "Steven Grant Rogers, do not, I said, do not, die, understand me?" I heard his laugh over the intercom and knew he had heard me, as he responded with a hearty: " Yes, ma'am!" I managed to scale the palaces' many turrets and ledges, climbing in carefully through the shredded glass window.

Shuri lay on the ground, arm bleeding badly, with her unbreakable dagger lying a few feet away, the hilt of leather shredded but the blade of vibranium still intact. I managed to send some of my healing essence into her, closing up her cut and stopping the blood flow, but feeling my energy ebb a touch.

Shuri's coffee brown eyes flew open as she glowed a soft gold from my healing, and she immediately grabbed my arm. "V-Vision! He needs help, one of Thanos's men got him..." I quickly hushed her and nodded. "Yes, I know, I'm heading over there, I just needed to heal you first." Shuri nodded and grabbed the headpiece to warn her brother about Corvius, just as I headed towards the forest. I saw a giant purple burst into the sky, only hurrying my pace.

I managed to kick my super speed in for the second time today, ebbing my energy even faster. I raced in, seeing that my help was not needed, as Vision had managed to spear Corvus Glavè straight through the heart, with his own weapon. Steve was laying on the ground, appearing to have been in danger about a minute ago.

"Oh, you guys have all the fun." I fake pouted. Steve got up, dusting the dirt off his pants and retrieved his shield. "If you call fun being nearly stabbed through the heart, then yes." I rolled my eyes, sheathing the dagger I had pulled out just moments earlier.

Wanda rushed into the forest, embracing Vision and I. "Thanks, Lily." I smiled, trying to forget the fact that one year ago, when she first arrived, I had a little feeling that I knew her, but I didn't realize it until I heard the fact that she was Sokovian as well, quickly finding out that we were cousins. My thoughts flicked back to Pietro, remembering his horrid death. I only had one person as close to me as Pietro had been to Wanda, and that was Peter Parker.

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