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(A/N: Comment your thoughts! This is dedicated to @OTPerrentes because shes just freaking awesome cx   Anywhore, thanks for reading! Enjoy!)

~Vic's pov~


Is all I could muster up to say as me, Tony, Patrick, Lucia, and Andy made it into the giant cafeteria early. It was surprisingly neatly decorated with student council posters and students' artwork along the walls. There were dozens of long, extravegant tables with red velvet mantles. Those tables had neatly decorated candles on them, that made it look so fancy. They were placed orderly along the walls and made enough space for two particular long tables in the center. These tables were noticeably decorated differently, with black mantles, and red rose centerpieces that held the school newspaper. The two tables were across from each other. We sat at one of the tables and began to eat while we waited for the rest of the 'club members' to come.

"Pretty fancy, huh?" Andy said as he sat next to me and took a bite out of his pizza.

All I could do was nod, as i was still astonished by the classy decour. This damn place was decorated fancier than Kim and Kanye's wedding! Then again, they're dirt poor...compared to me and Mike that is.

I took a copy of the school newspaper and started reading it to pass the time, seeing it as I wasn't that hungry anyway. The paper was just basically full of boring things like, class president elections, and football game schedules but, to my surprise, there were dozens and dozens of pictures of students that were missing on the last page. I quickly read the latest missing student gaining interest.


Alan Anthony Ashby

May 22, 1991


sex: Male

Hair color: Orange

Last seen: Alan Ashby was last seen at his boyfriend, Austin Carlile's house after his shift at work.

Sources say that Alan was going out for a walk at night In the outskirts of town in Quinn Ville, Michigan, where he texted his boyfriend an 'I love you' and then never came back home that night. If anyone has seen or knows what happened to the young, Quinn Ville high graduate, they should contact the police immediately as they have already set up a search party for the ginger nineteen-year old boy.

I was speachless. It gave me a sad feeling to know that this happened. I couldn't even imagine how this boy's parents would be feeling right now, not knowing how, or where their son is. I wonder what happened to him. I've seen many picture's of missing people before, but i didn't quite pay this much attention to them as I do now.

I glanced around to see that the cafeteria was now filling up slowly. Andy was on, what i assume, his fifth slice of pizza, and Tony was tapping the table with his fingernails, looking expectantly at the door as he watched the students enter. I turned back to the newspaper and decided to read one more.

**Quinn Ville high freshman found dead**

Hayley Nichole Williams

December 27, 1988

Age: 15

Sex: Female

Hair color: Red

Hayley Nichole Williams was a straight A+ student with aspiring dreams to some day become a singer. All that changed the night of halloween where she was said to have gone home, but never came back. Today, August 26, police have found her body in deep in the great woods of Quinn Ville, behind the town high school.

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