Part 5: Mr. Postman

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Corbyn: He. Did. What?

* Corbyn, had very much anger in his eyes but he took the car keys and walked out the door. I grabbed his wrist before he got inside his car*

Rose: where are you going? Please, don't hurt Jack.

Corbyn: I'm NOT gonna fucking hurt him! I'm going for drive around the neighborhood...

Rose: Corbyn-

*And with that he drove off. Zach walked outside with a bag of pretzels in his and*

Zach: What's up Dawn?

Rose: I have caused drama. And it's gonna break up the band

* When i said that, Zach almost chocked*

Zach: the hell did you do!?

Rose: Jack kissed me... Now Corbyn is gonna beat his ass..

Zach: ahh shit.. I think that's Corbyn's truck over there. And Jack skating.

Rose: Come on! We gotta stop him

*Corbyn's Pov*

*Jack fucking Avery kissed my girlfriend! I was gonna drive around to calm muslf2 but i spotted Jack skating on the rail. I got out the car and faced him*

Jack: Hey bro, wanna see my new trick?

Corbyn: wanna see my fist up your ass!?

Jack: woah, im not into that kinky stuff. What you so upset for?

Corbyn: You kissed Rose!

Jack: She kissed me back! Stop make yourself the victim! She could have pushed away if she wanted

*Rose. My sweet heart. Kisssd him back... (Heartbroken) I had enough i was about to swing my fist across Jack face when a lady stoped me*

???: M-Mr. Postman? I wanted to wish you a happy early birthday

* That lady was the neighbor. She calls me Mr. Postman because when i met her she thought i was the mailman. She loves our music and is a limelight. She stopped me from hitting Jack. Jack turned to lady and hugged her*

Jack: Hi Erica. How's the project going ?

Corbyn: what project?

E: oh im sorry. I forgot to tell you. I was making a project for my friends party..

Corbyn: Ayy the elders still rocking it.

E: You boys play nice...

Corbyn and Jack: Ok...

Zach: I guess there ok now..?

Rose: i hope...

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