murder on the loose.

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The team is still looking for the man who killed all those women and abducted Emily. They have his name, know about all his proberties, at least the ones under his real name and know what car he drives. It's the next day, Emily is still in hospital, Derek won't leave her side.

„Garcia, i'm fine, i swear. I'll be out today or tomorrow morning and as soon as we're back home all will be good again. I promise you." Emily says to Garcia who is on a skypecall with her. „But PG listen, i've been meaning to ask you something. It's about Alvez, i know, you don't want to get hurt again and you are probably just scared, but what is going on there? The night before i got abducted, JJ and i talked to him, and we were asking about you. He told us, that you guys hang out every night after work and that you take care of Roxy while he's working on the case. We asked him, if there's something going on between you guys and that's when he got kinda sad. He told us, that he feels as if you want to be just friend but that this isn't enough for what he wants." Penelope is looking sad now, she thinks for a few moments and then says:"I know, i know that he wants more. I want more. It's just, ehm.. I mean, you can't imagine how much i hate myself for holding him off for so long. It's just, i din't want to get hurt again. I know that he would never hurt me, i know that but i just don't know how to deal with this. I'm not usually the girl, a man falls for. I mean, i'm totally confident with myself but i'm just not sure, if this is really what he wants, i mean he could do better than me, way better." Emily suddenly feels bad, she doesn't want one of her best friends to feel like that. „Penelope, hey you are an amazing woman and any man would be honourd to have you in their life, as a friend or as more and believe me, Alvez, he really really likes you, he told JJ and me, that he is falling for you. Penelope, he really does care and he is all in it, he just wants you to feel the same way but he doesnmt want to pressure you. But yu know him, we all do, he is an amazing guy and he can be trusted. And Penelope, no man could do better than you, you are incredible." „I know Emily, i know. Thank you so much, you really helped me. I'll skypecall him tonight and talk to him."


Alvez is at the hospital, together with David so that Derek could go to his hotel and take a shower. It's in that moment, that Luke gets a Skypecall request from Penelope. „It's Penelope." He says to Emily and Dave. „Go ahead, i'll stay here with Emily." Dave says, who obviously realized that there's something going on as well. Luke hugs Emily and says:"Whatever you told her, thank you!"  He then walks to the door of the room, turns around and says „I'll be right here, in case you need me." He closes the door and takes out his phone, he sits down on one of the chairs right across the room where Emily is in. „Hey Penelope!" He greets her with a huge smile. „Hey Luke!" „So how are my favourit girls?" „Roxy is great, she's such a good girl." Penelope seems a bit off, Luke realizes that as well. „Penelop, hey, what's going on dear?" Luke looks anxious. „Ehm.. Nothing, it's all good, it's all good." Luke shakes his head:"Penelope, c'mon, you know you can tell me everything. Is it because of something Emily said when you were skyping with her earlier today?" Penelope looks deep in Lukes eyes, she nodds and says:"Listen, i'm so sorry for putting you off for so long, i know it's not fair to you. I know that you want or better said, feel more than just friendship and i know that you and i are good for eachother. I am so sorry that it took me so long and that Emily needed to push me but Luke, i really really like you and i want us to be more than just friends. I, i just need it to go slow, i'm not used to this feelings, it's been a very long time." A wide smile spreads across Luke's face. Penelope, we can take as much time and go as slow as you want, i am falling in love with you, but i will wait for you for as long as i have to. Nothing will change my feelings for you. You tell me when you're ready and until then, i'll love you everyday anyways and i will always be there for you and i will see you as often as i can."


It's around 30 minutes later, Luke finished his skypecall with Penelope and is walking back into Emily's room. His eyes sparkle and his smile big as ever. „Oh hello Mr. Smiles! How was the skypecall?" „We talked, a lot. She told me that she wants to be more than just friends but that she simply needs time and that she really cares about me and, yeah. Thank you so much Emily! If it wasn't for you, she probably wouldn't have had the guts to talk about this with me and k wouldn't have had the guts to ask her about it." „It was my pleasure."

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