off days.

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It's been around 3 weeks, since the team got back from Salt Lake City. Emily is still dealing with what happend to her and she still hasn't told the whole story to Derek. Shw doesn't want him to go through that much pain and anger. He went through enough already this year.

The team got invited by Dave for dinner at his mansion. „Babe are you ready?" Derek calls out for his girlfriend. „Almost, wait just need to finish my makeup."
A few minutes later Emily walks out of the bathroom, Derek has Hank on his arm. The little family walks out of the appartement and gets into the car. The drive to Dave's place doesn't take too long. They arrive at the same time Luke arrives with his dig Roxy. As soon as Hank sees her he screams „Rooxyyy!" Emily takes him out of his childrenseat and walks over to Roxy. She puts him down next to hear and says hello to Luke. Derek then says hello to him as well. „Hank, now that you said hello to Roxy, will you please say hello to uncle Luke?" Emily says, while looking at him. „Uncle Luuuke heeeelloooo!" He squeels and hugs him, Luke kneeled down to him and hugged him back. „Hello to you too, little man!" Luke picks him up and the four of them including Roxy walk inside Dave's house.

„Welcome everybody!" Dave sings as he sees the four walk in. Everybody greets Dave and they all sit down on the couch. Dave serves wine to everyone and sirup to Hank. He puts down a bowl of water for Roxy. In that moment the frontdoor opens up again and Penelope walks in. „Hello everybody!" she shouts, while putting down her bag and jacket. „Aunt Penelope!" Hank who sits on Luke's lap shouts. „Wanna go say hi to aunt Penelope?" Luke asks the little man, Hank nodds. Luke gets up and walks to the frontdoor with Hank in his arms. „Hello aunt Penelope!" He sings as soon as he sees her. „Hello my favourit Morganman of all time!" „I heard that!" Derek shouts from the livingroom, everybody laughs. Penelope takes Hank into her arms and hugs him. After that, she puts him down on the floor and he plays with Roxy who run over to them. Luke pulls Penelope into a thight hug and gives her a kiss on the cheeck. „Hello beautiful." He says. „Hi, handsome." She says to him. The three walk into the living room and Penelope says hello to everyone else, short after her arrival, JJ, Will and the boys, Spencer and Tara arrive. They all sit in the living room. Hank plays with Henry and Michael and Roxy.

The asults talk about several things, when Dave calls them all for dinner. At the table, Luke and Penelope sit next to eachother, JJ and Emily across from them. JJ motions Emily to look at their hands while they wait for everyone to have their plates filled. The two look at eachother and then at their two friends, who are clearly holding hands.

Everybody talks and enjoys their time together. After dinner, Dave obviously made spagetthi, everyone gather around the couch again.


It's the next day, the team has another day off. Emily just got a call from Luke. He asked her for tips to ask her out today, what he should cook and stuff because he wants to ask her if she wants to be his girlfriend tonight. The two of them have really been hitting it off since they talked on that one skypecall.


At Luke's place.
It's 7.30 p.m. and Penelope should be here in 30 minutes. Luke is extremly nervous, he cleaned the entire appartement, made homemade lasagne which he got a little help from the italian himself, Dave. He made a nice salad and for desseert they'll have pumpkinpie with pecans.
Luke set the table for the two to sit across from eachother, there are candles, he has a nice red wine ready and the whole appartement is decorated in candles. He bought a rosebouqouet, which he put on the table.
He gives Roxy her dinner and waits. Then, the doorbell rings, Luke's heart is racing. He checks himself one final time in the mirror and walks to the door. As he opens it, there she stand, with a huge smile on her face. „Hello beautiful." He says while pulling her into a close hug. „Hello handsome." She says. The two hug for a moment, until Roxy jumps up to them to show Penelope that she wants to be welcomed as well, Penelope does just that. „Hello beautiful girl!" She pets and cuddles her for a moment until she stands up to face Luke again. He shows her to come in and helps her put away her jacket and handbag. He takes her by the hwnd and the two walk into the living/ diningroom. „Oh wow, Luke, that looks great and it smells amazing!" Luke smiles „Thank you  P. C'mon, sit down, what would you like to drink? I have wine for when we're eating." „Just water until we get to the wine. Thanks." He pours her glass with water and does the same with his glass. „I hope you're hungry, i made plenty of food." „I'm starving." Garcia says with a grinn. Luke serves the salad and the two start to eat. „Thank you so much for the invitation Luke."

A bit later, Luke serves the lasagna. The two talk about a lot of stuff, but then Luke clears his throat and says:"P, listen, there's something i want to talk about with you. I know we talked about that once already, but Penelope, listen i don't wanna push you but, i am in love with you. I am so deeply in love with you, like i've never loved anyone before. I really do love you and i want to be with you and i just couldn't keep it a secret from you anymore." Garcia takes Luke's hand, squeezes it and says:"I was hoping you start the talk about that tonight, because i wanted to talk about it as well. I love you, Luke, i fell in love with you and i want to be with you." Luke now has a huge smile spread across his face. „Are you sure, you don't have to say it, just because i did." „Luke, i swear to god, i love you, i love you so much and i really, really, really want to be with you." Luke's smile gets even bigger as he stands up and walks around the table to Penelope who know stands up as well. The two ignite in a thight hug and then Luke kisses her.

After the two finished eating, they went over to sit on the couch. Penelope leans onto Luke and the two hold hands. Roxy lays at the end of the couch, begging for attention.

„Are we going to tell the others?" Penelope asks. „I don't know, do you want to?" Penelope nodds „They would realize it sooner than later anyways, so why not just tell them right away."

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