Don't underestimate me just because I'm cute. (Naruto Fan Fic)

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I woke up in a forest. How did I get in here. Noticing I was the only one here, I got scared and started to cry. How on earth did a four year old girl get in the forerst?

I walked but I was still crying. Where am I? Who am I?

'Don't cry little one'

I turned around, "Who's there?"

'Its me'

Then a tree moved its branch and touched me. I giggled and touched the tree. "Where am I?" I asked the tree.

'You are in the forest'

"How did I get here?"

'That I do not know'

Then the wind blew on my face. It whispered. 'Hello'

I gasped. "Wind can talk?"

'Hai' tree said.

Then I looked at the ground, "Can you talk to?"

Then a 'yes' appeared on the ground like someone wrote it on there. I giggled and said, " Sorry for stepping on you"

"Hey whats my name?"

'We do not know' wind whispered.

"Oh" Then I started to cry.

'Dont cry' said tree then its branch wrapped around me like a hug.

"But I dont know who I am."

'What about we name you?' Ground said.

I smiled. "Can you?"

The tree nodded and I sat under there. Animals started to come out. Rabbit, deer, squirrels, and birds. They came to me and sat down beside me. One of the rabbit hopped on me and snuggled.

'What about Misaki?' Wind said.

I nodded. "I like it! Arigato!"

'You're welcome' wind said.

I looked at the rabbit and said, "Can you talk to?"

She nodded and said 'Of course Misaki but only you can understand'

I nodded and started to hum a song. As I hum it, leaves started to dance around in the air and the animals started to fall asleep.


I am now 12 years old and pretty strong. Everyone- err Everything here in the forest taught me how to survive on my own. They've been helping me out since I was four.

I was wearing a black dress that stops on my mid thigh. Also wearing black tights underneath that stops on my knee, black combat boots and black fingerless gloves. My long white hair flows with the wind and my dark blue eyes sparkles in the sun.

I went for a walk when I spotted two Jonin in front of me. One of them has bushy eyebrows and wearing a green suit. The other one has the same hair color as mine and wearing a mask. They look at me with wide eyes.

'She looks so cute!!' Guy and Kakashi thought.

"Hello!" I said.

"Umm.....what is your name." said guy with green suit.

"Misaki, whats yours?" I asked.

"Guy Might"

"Kakashi Hatake"

I nodded. "Its nice to meet you!"

"What are you doing here outside Konoha?" Kakashi asked.

"For a walk" I told them.

"SO MUCH YOUTH!" Guy said. I sweatdropped.

"Why were you walking out here? Its dangerous" Kakashi said.

I looked at him confused. "No its not, I've been done it before"

He nodded his head. "Which village are you from?"

"I dont come from a village, I come from the forest" I told them.

"You live in the forest?!" They yelled/screamed.

"Hai" I said.

"Does someone live there too?" Guy asked.

"No I've been living on my own since I was four"

"SINCE FOUR?!?!?!"

I nodded my head.

"How can you survive out there?! Kakashi said.

I shrugged.

They sighed. "Well you cant stay out here its really dangerous" Kakashi said with a concern in his voice.

"I know" I sighed.

"Come on we're going to take you to Konoha" Kakashi said.

I followed them and we reached a huge gates. Two people were guarding it. When they saw me they quickly got up and were in front of me.

'She's so adorable!' they thought.

They squeeled and tried to hug me but Kakashi glared at them.

They sighed in defeat.

"My name is Kotetsu"

"Im Izumo"

"Hi I'm Misaki!" I said with a grin. They looked at me and squeeled.

"Come on Misaki! Lets go to the Hokage!" Kakashi said with a closed eyed smiled.

Don't underestimate me just because I'm cute.    (Naruto Fan Fic)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα