Bell test

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"Sorry a black cat crossed my path and I had to take the long way" Kakashi said as he poofed in.

"LIAR!" Sakura and Naruto yelled at him.

I just sat under the tree branch and stared at the sky. The clouds slowly passed by and my eyes started to get heavy.

Stupid relaxation.

".....And start!" Kakashi said.

I jumped off my tree and stared at Kakashi. Naruto just stood there. I could sense Sasuke and Sakura hiding behind the tree and a bush.

"Ummm.....what's going on?" I asked Kakashi who sweatdropped at me.

"Well, if you were paying attention you would know. Anyway, try to get a bell from me till the bell rings or no lunch for you" he said.

I just nodded and climbed up to my tree. Gotta love my tree :)

I watched as Naruto charged at him and got trapped at a rope. Sasuke threw kunais at Kakashi then disappeared somewhere.

Then I heard a very high pitched scream.

"Aah!" I put my hands over my ears. "Stupid Cherrygum!"

Then I sensed a presence behind me. I turned around and saw Kakashi leaning on my tree while reading his book.

I stared at him and stared.

"Aren't you going to get the bells?" he asked me.

Should I? If I do I get to use my scythe and kill him with it. Nah. I'll use it next time. I don't want him to know what I can do.

I shook my head at him and jumped down the tree as I walked to the tree stump.







I sat on the tree stump with Naruto tied around it.

"Why are you tied up Naruto?" I asked him.

He pouted. "I ate"

I sighed and started playing with his hair. It's so soft.

Sasuke and Sakura then sat down beside Naruto.

"What are you doing Misaki?" Sakura asked.

"I'm trying to see if I can make naruto's hair just like Sasuke. He has a duckbutt hair" I said as I shaped Naruto's hair.

Sasuke glared at me.

I got really frustrated because it keeps going back to its original form. Kakashi on the other hand kept rambling about teamwork.

"I give up" I said angry. Naruto's hair just won't shape like a duck's ass. Then how does Sasuke do it then?

I looked up to see Kakashi not here. Though I can feel his chakra behind the tree.

"Misaki it's time to eat" Sakura said as she handed me my lunchbox.

"Arigato" I smiled at her and she smiled back.

Once I opened it, I shoved my chopstick down Naruto's mouth.

Naruto chewed and swallowed it.

"Misaki! we werent supposed to feed him!" Sakura yelled at me.

"No Misaki is right. We need all the energy we can get if we are going to get the bells" Sasuke said as he handed his bento to Naruto's.

Sakura fed Naruto when Kakashi popped out if nowhere.

"YOU.." he yelled at us. Clouds and lightning are on top of his head.

I wonder if the lightning ever hits his hair and that's why its sticking up.

"Pass!" Kakashi smiled as the storm dispersed.


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