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"Wake up Misaki" I heard Kakashi.

I groaned and sat up. "What time was I supposed to be there?"


I looked at the time. 7:30 "I'm late!!" I screamed. Then I used my super speed to make my bed, shower, and get dressed. Kakashi stood there with wide eye. "Y-Y-You were faster than Guy!" Kakashi exclaimed.

"Really?" I asked and looked at the time. 7:31

Kakashi nodded slowly. "Well I got to go" I said. Then dashed to the academy.

I asked the ground. "Hey I dont know where's the academy"

'Follow the line' it wrote.

I nodded and followed until its gone. I went into the building and asked a lady. "Hi Im the new student, Misaki"

She looked at me. "KAWAII!" she squeeled and hugged me. I sweatdropped. "Anyway you are in room 10" she said. "Arigato" I said with a grin. She squeeled one more time. "Can I take you to the room?" she asked.

I nodded. One minute later we were in front of the door and she left. I knocked on the door and a man with a scar over his nose answered.

He saw me and whispered, " Kawaii..." I tilted my head and he cleared his throat.

"You must be the new student, come in" he said.

I came in and saw a blonde boy tied up. People were staring at me. The guys were blushing and the girl were either glaring or squeeling.


A girl with silver hair walked in the class. My face started to heat up and I also notice the other guys were too. The girls on the other hand were glaring and squeeling.

I looked at the girl. Kawaii......

Don't underestimate me just because I'm cute.    (Naruto Fan Fic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon