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I woke early so I don't have to be woken up by Kakashi again. Its sucks that I have that I have to live with an adult. Just because the Hokage thinks I can't take care of myself. I remembered that when I first met the Hokage, he told me to that I should be a ninja and become a genin. Psh! A genin! Can you believe that?! He thought I was a genin! But I couldn't careless.

After I got ready, I went to the kitchen and found a note lying on the dining table.

I'm on a mission and I'll be back around tonight.

P.S. There are some money on the table for food.


I saw the money and stuffed it all in my pocket and left.

Taking my time to the academy, I saw Sasuke walking behind me. I guess he is also going to the academy. Sighing, I found a shop that sells weapons. I came inside the shop and look for a scythe. Scythe are my favorite weapon besides a sword.

When I finally found a scythe my face immediately lit up. The scythe was HUGE, Its about three times as tall as me. The blade is so is so sharp. My favorite about it that its color are black and red. The handle is black with red vines swirls around it up to the blade. The blade is pure black and its big. Lets just say is that the blade is as big as me.

I picked it up and headed over to the cash register. A man is behind it and reading a magazine. I cleared my throat and he finally looked up.

He looked at me and smiled. "Well what can I do for a cute little girl?" he asked.

"I want to buy this scythe please" I raised the scythe and his jaw dropped.

"H-How can a little girl carry that kind of weapon?" He stuttered.

I tilted my head in confusion.

"I can't even lift it up" he said.

"Really?" I asked. Its light as a feather to me.

He nodded. I took out my wallet around my pocket and took some money out. My wallet is big. I have a lot of money in there because back in the forest, when I get bored I kill people for bounty. Kakashi's money is in my pocket.

I put the money down on the counter and smiled at the man.

The man took it happily and I skipped to the exit. The scythe is on my back but I decided to put it in a scroll. I didn't want people looking at me weird.

Then I started walking to the academy. As I got in there, boys started staring at me and girls started calling me cute. I sighed and sat next to Hinata

"Hey, Misaki-chan" she said.

"Morning Hinata-chan" I smiled.

Iruka finally came in the class and said that today is the graduation exam. Then he talked about if we pass we become a ninja and a genin

I whispered to Hinata. "Today is the exam? How come nobody told me?"

She looked at me. "You fell asleep yesterday during class" she whispered.

I made an O with my mouth. She giggled.

I couldn't careless about being a ninja because I was told to be one anyway by no other than the Hokage. When I first came here, he thought that I got lost in the forest and I needed to learn how to fight. If you want to know how is that I read his mind. Yeah, I can read minds but not much because I get scared on what stuff they think. *shudder*

Iruka sensei started calling out names.

Then it was my turn.


I followed Iruka to a room and found other senseis in the school and the Hokage.

The Hokage said, "Do you know the Clone jutsu?"

"Yup!" I said and formed the handsigns. Its getting in my nerves that I have to make the handsigns slow. I mean seriously! But I have to make it slow because to be honest I don't want the find out who I am really. I just started a new life and I don't want to make the same mistake again. Not right after I finally remembered what happened to me. How I ended up in the forest and lastly who my parents was. After remembering what happened to me I can't use my real powers anymore.....



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