The other me

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"Sasuke at point A"

"Sakura at point B"


"Naruto at point C! Believe it!"

"You're slow" Kakashi sighed. "Misaki? You there?" he said through the earphone thing.


"Yeah I'm here." I said as I played with Tora.

My team sweatdropped. I took off my earpiece so they wouldn't hear me talk.

"Hey Tora. Why'd you run away?" I asked her.

Of course Tora knew that I can talk, I'm actually quite popular throughout the animals here.

"I don't like my owner" She said. To other people it sounds like she's just meowing.

I frowned and was about to say something when my team stepped out of the clearing and stared at me.

"What?" I asked them

They just sighed and shook their heads.

"Haha! Got you now!" Naruto snatched Tora from me.

Naruto held it upside down which Tora got mad about it and scratched Naruto's face.

"AHH! Stupid cat!" He yelled at it and threw it at me.

I caught it in the air and Tora immediately snuggled into my chest.

"You're really good with animals Misaki-chan!" Sakura smiled at me.

I smiled back which caused Sasuke turned away trying to hide his pink face.

I frowned. I didn't know that guys can change color.

The wind blew on my face. 'They don't'

I frowned again. Then why's Sasuke pink?

The trees slightly shook. Which means they just laughed at me.

Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke didn't noticed but The copy cat ninja did. Kaka stopped reading his perverted book and looked at the trees with curiousity in his eye. 'What the?

I glared at the trees. Thank Kami Kaka isnt suspicious about me. 

"Come on." Kaka said as he walked towards the Hokage's tower with a book in his hands but I still can see him taking a quick glances at the trees.

I sighed and ran up beside Kaka with Tora still in my hands. The rest of the team followed.


We stood there and watched as the owner of Tora squeezed the poor cat in her......breasts...

Anyway, after they left Naruto faced the third and yelled out stuff about missions and babysitting. I didnt bother to listen, instead I just stared outside the window and went in the back of my mind. 

 There I stood in a place nothing but the dark itself. Footsteps are suddenly heard and is coming closer to me. 

The footsteps got louder and it suddenly stopped.

"Boo!" I heard a child's voice said behind me.

I turned around and let out a sad smile at the small little girl in front of me. She has long white hair like mine. Dark blue eyes like mine and the same face as mine. But younger. The girl stood in front of me is. ME. Four years old. Right before I lost my memories. The same girl who erased her  own memories. The same girl that killed her own family. 

That little girl is me.

"Hey Saki!" I said.

"Hello! Watcha doing here?" she asked with an innocent face. Innocent face that I always hated.

"I dont want to listen to my teammates" I told her.

She just simply nodded and took my hand. Her hand is small and cold. Ice cold.

"Lets play tag!" she giggled at me and let go of my pale hand.

I smilled and chased her. Even she's just a little kid, she's lightning fast. We kept on chasing each other until I finally got a hold of her. I picked her up and hugged her.

She squeeled in my grasp and hugged me back.

I looked into her eyes. Full of innocent. This girl is my past. She knows doesn't know about the massacre and the memories. She made herself forget and and created an exact living replica that doesn't know about the cruel world we are in. And that replica is this girl.

And I was the one who made myself forget but now it all came back. My past. My memories. The things I wanted to forget about the most.

"Nii-chan" Saki stood in front of me with a worried face.

"Yes?" I asked her.

"You seem so sad" she said.

I shook my head. "Im fine"

Saki just shook her head and suddenly hugged me. Since she's small, she just hugged my legs. So kneeled down and looked at her,

"Whats wrong?" I asked her.

"I'm hugging you so you won't be sad anymore" she looked at me with those deep dark blue eyes.

"I'm not sad" I forced her a smile.

"Thats one of the biggest lie that a girl says" Saki told me.

Tears started to form in my eyes but I didn't let them go. I promised myself I wouldnt cry.

"Ahh..Gomen...Anyway, I got to go" I told her and stood up.

Saki looked down at her bare feet. "When will you be back again?" 

"Soon" I said and I patted her head right before I disappeared.

My eyes suddenly met with a worried Hokage and Kakashi.

"Misaki, are you alright?" The hokage asked me.

I nodded with a confused look. Then I noticed my teamates already left.

"oh" I said. " Gomen, I'll be leaving now" I told them and ran to the door. As I opened it, a hand suddenly stopped me. 

 I looked up. "Yes Kaka sensei?"

He didn't answer, instead he knelt down and wiped away something off of my face.

"You're crying, Misaki" he said.

Don't underestimate me just because I'm cute.    (Naruto Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now