Chapter 1: 16 years later

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Song: Go Go by Bts

16 years later:
Jimin pov:

"Jimin, stop sulking." His sixteen-year -old sister replies throwing a stone at his head.
"Y/n stop throwing stones at me." I glare at her.
She pouted "you're no fun."
"I am not supposed to be your fun brother I am supposed to be the protective brother."
"Well your my only brother so can't you try to be both?"
I sighed "I am sorry that was mean of me."
Y/n went to sit next to me and took my hands in hers "Are you thinking about home?"
"I am, I can't believe that bastard still sits on the throne."
"Then why don't we do something about it?" Y/n asks
"We can't. and we don't have an army and the people probably think we are dead."
"Well by the looks off it we are both still kicking." She chuckled "Maybe it is time to show the world we still exist.
"We go visit our fathers lords."
"What if they are replaced or sided with Park Yon?"
"Well let's find out. I am tired of hiding in the woods or empty stables Jimin, I know you don't want to bring other people in danger and that is why I followed you everywhere only talking to you and Sejin."
"As if I am that bad." The old guard scoffed. We whipped our heads to the side and looked at Sejin who had rescued us from our uncle swords. He was picking his teeth with a stick. "But I agree with Y/N, we have hided long enough it is time we take matters in our own hands and I trained you well Jimin, I wasn't called the best swordsman for no reason"
I looked at the knight who stood up and my sister who had an amused look on her face that reminded me of my mother. "Okay well let's visit Lord Min first, since he is the closest."
Y/n jumped up and down excited and linked her arms with Sejin who was jumping along with her. I chuckled at the craziness infront of me. "You guys done?" I laugh.
"yes." Y/n replies letting go of Sejin before running off "I will get our horses."
"Are you sure that I am ready for this?" I ask Sejin.
"Jimin, listen to me after your mother left you in my care I did everything I could the get you ready so that you could protect yourself when I would die, I watched you grow up in this strong man and I know that the time has come to show that bastard who the real king is. I have known it for a while now and so does your sister." Sejin replies.
"I need you to do something for me." I say.
"What is it your highness." He winked.
"If I do fight against my uncle and lose my life, make sure y/n will marry someone who will protect her and love her for who she is."
"You know I will, but you will be there to witness her marriage."
"What are you talking about?" Y/n asks returning with the three horses.
"Your marriage." I smirk
"ieww Jimin I don't want to get married."
"Just wait until you met the right person." Sejin chuckles getting on his horse. "Well let's go we don't want to sit here and braid each others hair do we?"
"Yes sire." I laugh helping Y/n on her horse before getting on mine.

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