Part 17

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hello every one! how are you all? enjoy part 17 !

"In a small, dark and filthy room, a girl of around 16 years of age was sitting on the floor and crying with her head on her legs which are curled up and wrapped in her arms. Her face is not visible only her painfull cries could be heard in which she is saying, " please save me ishimaa please help me ishimaa, please ishimaaa" with this ishita woke up with a jerk, panting heavily and sweating profusely. Sensing a sudden jerk nearby, raman woke up. He had seen that ishita is trembling and sweating, he at once hugged her tightly and started patting her back and consoling her. Then he asked, " what happened ishita? Is ita a bad dream?" " no raman not just a bad dream but a nightmare. I ...I am very scared" replied ishita with trembling lips and choking voice. Raman just hugged her and consoled her and later on, patted her to sleep.

Next morning on breakfast table, every one had sensed that ishita is disturbed but none asked to avoid making her more restless. As expected ishita left early for the office. After she had left everyone asked raman the reason of her disturbance. Raman replied, " she had a bad dream last night. Gyz I think we must hurry up to the office because today we might have to face big b there." With that they left for their office

Other side old bhalla mansion, building was same but inhabitants were changed. On Breakfast table aliya and nihkil were already seated and shugan and taneja were coming from their respective rooms. In kitchenruhi was making breakfast, she was in a very bad condition with bruised face, torn clothes and burned marks on her arms and legs. She was looking very scared and preparing breakfast fastly. Aliya whispers in nikhil's ears, "poor she is mom is not going to spare her today" They both saw her and giggle, in the meantime shagun pulls ruhi from her hairs and she screams in pain, "Ahhhh shagun mama ahhh.....i am sorry...ahhh" shagun shouts, " why is the breakfast still not ready, you useless and lazy spoilt brat" and she slaps her so hard that she fell down on the floor. She screams, "ahh" and started whimpering. Shagun said, "wait you will not learn your lesson so easily" she takes a cane stick from back of door. Seeing cane ruhi gets to scared, she started crawling backwards and saying, "no no muma plzz no I am sorry muma" shagun did not listen to her and beat her black and blue all over her body ignoring her screams her pain everything. Then she orders her to cook breakfast fast. Ruhi stood up with great difficultyand waliked to the kitchen by taking support from the wall and prepares breakfast . Aliya and Nikhil were laughing seeing her condition.

Suddenly something clicks in her mind and she said, "mom we are late today is a very important meeting. We have to rush, now there is no time for breakfast." She said with a grinning face. Shagun shouted, " because of you my daughter and her to be husband had to leave without eating breakfast. Now you will beg me for food and won't get it." Ruhi had not been given food since yesterday and no listening to shagun unknowingly tears rolled down her cheeks and she went into the memory lane.


Ishita: ruhi....... Ruhi beta where are you? Have your breakfast you are getting late beta.

Ruhi came running from her room and said : no Ishimaa I am already late, I have no time for breakfast today.

Ishita with a stern look: ruhi bhalla do your breakfast now you can not move from here without breakfast.

Ruhi: Ishimaa I will be late for meeting please.

Ishita: okay wait I am making a roll have it on the way.

Ruhi: okay

Ishita gave her roll then hug her and kiss her on her cheeks and said: go no my child. As you know I can not let you leave without breakfast. It is important for your health and you know that how much you mean to me.

Flashback ends

Ruhi came out of her thoughts when shagun shouts, driver driver driver. Driver camee running and shagun said' you lazy head aditya bhalla go and drop aliya madam and Nikhil sir to office and then came back immediately I had to go somewhere important. Adi is in driver's uniform and face dull and said, "yes mam." He opened the door for aliya and Nikhil. It was the days most horrible task for him to see aliya and Nikhil together. In the car aliya and Nikhil tease adi by showing their close proximity and bashing adi time to time but he could not answer them. Adi thought to herself, " only if today I had the back of ishimaa, I would have given them the taste of their own medicine but unfortunately, I lost her only because of my stupid greediness" with that tears rolled down his eyes- tears of shame and guilt.

In the bhalla masion

Shagun: ruhi ruhi come here you good for nothing bullshit.

Ruhi came, shagun slaped her and she fell down. For shagun slapping her was the most satisfying thing

Shagun: you must listen to me at once. Today evening my friends are coming every thing must be perfect understand. She shouted on her.

In big b head quarters

Ishita is sitting in her office and since morning she was scolding everyone who enetered her office. Whole staff was praying for her mood to get better. She called her PA and said to her, "send me project pihu industries file." File has been sent and seeing it her anger raised to peaks. She rang the bell PA came in friengtened and she shouted, " this is what you are doing here? Send mihika in right now." PA ran to mihika's office and narrated her everything and also told her to take precautionary measures as big b's anger is on mount everst.

Mihika sighed to herself: now she won't listen to me instead will start shouting at me before even giving me chance to explain. Lets go mihika now its your turn to face her wrath. Idea ..... I think I should call pihu. Only she could improve akka's mood. Thinking this she called pihu to her office and her self went towards big b's office.

Mihikka knocked the door: can I come in big b.

Big b: come come (gritting her teeth)

Mihika: you have called me big b, said meekly.

Big b throws file on her face and said: how many times I have told you that I want this project on full pace. Why can't you people understand this.

Mihikka tries to say something but of no use so she just dialed priyanka's number and put it on speaker

Priyanka: yes mihika, every thing is going as per plan. Today evening I am going to party organized by shagun with reference to one of her close friends.

Ishita: listen priyanka take a spy camera with you and please record every thing in it.

Priyankaka: yes maam as you say...

Mihika cuts the call and saw towards ishita with a winning smile while ishita steals her eyes from her. Then mihika said: what akka why are you so disturbed. You have put curfew in office. You know how much scared is our whole staff right now.

Ishita said: I have a very bad feeling mihika that's why......any ways I will try to control. I think you should go back to work.

Mihika moved back to office waiting for pihu, hoping that she could control her mumma because ten minutes later only scolding session got resumed. Same is the situation with mihir, raman, romi and sarika as all had called pihu at least one time. Now pihu is sitting in her car anxiously waiting for the office to come.

so what do you think about this part share your views with me in the comment section.

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