Part 22

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Hello every one, sorry for this much delay. i want to inform you that this story is reaching its climax. only one or two parts are left to this story. here is the next part please enjoy!!!

Later on priyanka said, "Shagun and Mr. Taneja you can leave now as you must have to arrange a lavish party tomorrow where you must invite whole media and socialites of the city. Arrangements should be royal shagun mind it." shagun assured her and leave the office assuming it be her biggest victory unaware of the fact that she has signed on the papers of her destruction.

Within hours the news spread in whole city like a fire in the forest. Every channel is talking about it. Phones of Big B cafeterias are continuously ringing, everyone wants to confirm the news but ishita has strictly ordered everyone that there should be no confirmation until tomorrow morning's press release. Discussions regarding Big B's identity and its revelation in shagun's party are going around every corner and every gathering of the city. People are anxiously waiting for the party night.

venue is decorated royal and already filled with almost every socialite of the town along with each representative of every media house. Everyone is waiting for the Big B's appearance. Suddenly the whole place got surrounded by security commands of BIG B cafeterias and Priyanka took control of announcement mike. She announced, " Ladies and gentlemen, I am very pleased to announce that BIG B has come to the place." At an instant every face turned around to doorway but none entered. Then priyanka further said, " no no she will not be entering via doorway. She along with her family has been escorted to special place and before her appearance I want to arrange this hall a bit. I request Mr. Shah, head of security, to please took charge of the hall and arrange it according to Big B's instructions."

Later on Mr. Shah has arranged the whole by forming separate blocks of media at one side, socialites at the center, servants and other house staff at the other side while hosts (Shagun, Taneja, Nikhil and Aliya) at the left side of the stage in special security circle of commandos. Gates of the venue are then completely sealed so that no one could enter or leave the place.

Shagun feels restricted by the guards so she said, "Why have you caged us as if we are some kind of criminals and then those sealed gates....." Mr. Shah replied sarcastically, "All of this has been done on special instructions of the Boss by keeping in mind security protocols and you are worrying as if you have really committed a crime."

After ensuring all the arrangements Priyanka announced, "Ladies and gentlemen! Thank you so much for your cooperation. Now please welcome Big B family with their first ever dance performance." A huge round of applause, lights get dim and music starting playing.

First came out Romi wearing light green colored dress with mask covering his eyes and half of his face, next to romi sarika appeared who has worn green color is also in mask. Both are complementing each other and dancing on the beats at left side of the stage. Then appeared Mihir and Mihika, they are complementing each other with black and red respectively they both are also in masks. They are also shaking legs on the same song at right side of the stage. In the next instant, Ishita and Raman appeared, they are wearing blue color and shaking legs in center of the stage with masks on their faces. Together they started shaking legs. Their each step is perfectly synced exhibiting their unbreakable unity. They are dancing briskly with full zeal showing everyone that none can beat them. With the large round of applause finally the dance ended while every one is awestruck, mesmerized by their performance.

Priyanka, "Wow, what a spectacular performance........a big round of applause for this wonderful piece of I would like to invite Big B here on the mike to share her story with all of us......"

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