Chapter 3

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Recap: I started to see he was leaning in. Was he going to kiss me? I was literally paralyzed and I didn't know what to do. My body did not want to move. Maybe.....maybe I did want this. He was getting closer and I was running out of time to think. Push him off or kiss him? I looked at him. His eyes were closed and was still leaning in. Oh fuck it. I smashed my lips on his and he jumped in shock. We sat there. Our lips tasted each other and after a little bit we started moving around. I honestly felt I was in complete bliss.


This was really happening. Our lips moved together. Jacob reached under my shirt and put his hands on my stomach. Goosebumps covered me and I found my hands roaming Jacob's body as well. I felt his tongue trace my bottom lip and I had no idea what he was trying to do until he bit my lips. I jumped and whispered Ow but he took that moment when my mouth was open to slip his tongue inside. I had no idea what to do. Our tongues touched and he tasted so good. But wait. I pulled back a little bit but not to the point our mouths parted. I don't think I should be doing this. Yes I like Jacob but I don't know if it should be moving this fast. His lips and tongue tasted so good though I didn't want it to stop. Jacob got up and moved me so I was laying back on the bed and he was between my legs standing but hunched over at the back to meet my lips once again. I could feel him down there and he felt hard. It caused me to start getting hard as well and I could tell he noticed because he smirked while still kissing me. Slowly and gently his hands started to move down and traced the rim of my jeans. It was getting me harder and harder. It was irritating. I couldn't say anything. I just laid back frozen. He pulled back from my lips and looked me in the eye. This was my fist time doing this and Jacob could see it in my eyes probably.

"May I?" he asked.

I tried to form words. I was too hard I couldn't say no. It was irritating me. I wanted him. I could feel myself literally throbbing down there. I opened my mouth to say yes but no words came out so I quickly closed it and nodded my head.

With that he undid the button on my jeans and unzipped my zipper. His hand slowly traced my manhood above my boxers. I closed my eyes absorbing the sensation I was getting until it became too little. He was teasing me I couldn't take it. I pushed my pelvis up so he had more force on it. I tried to move more so he would stroke faster but instead he removed his hand.

I opened my eyes and looked up at him. He was looking down upon my with a sexy smirk. His eyes were filled with lust and he moved up and kissed me once more before surprising me and grabbing my d*ck through the pouch in my boxers. I jumped when his warm hand made contact. He started to pump his fist and I grunted with pleasure. Even though it wasn't a fast pace it was better than teasing me to the point of no return.

He started to accelerate after a little bit getting faster and faster to where I was lightly bucking my hips wanting to go as fast as the speed of light. Oh god this felt so good. Better than when I did it to myself. His hand felt so good as I was building up. I didn't have time to tell him I was cumming it got all over his hands and wrists. I was breathing heavy from how sensational that was. I looked up to see Jacob licking up my liquids from his hands. I found it so sexy. I let my head fall back again and closed my eyes to catch my breath. Before anything else could happen my phone began to buzz. I sat up and grabbed it from Jacobs nightstand.

My grandma was calling me. I picked up the phone, "Hello?"

"Hi Dylan are you busy."

"I'm with a friend", I looked at Jacob, "but I'm getting ready to leave soon why."

"Well Addie and Z are over and they want to see you. Do you think you can stop by on your way home?"

"Sure why not. I'll be there in 5." With that I got up, redid my pants, threw on my jacket and left Jacobs house with out much of a goodbye. The drive away from his house I started to think about what just happened. What have I done? I shouldn't have done this. I was beginning to regret it but then I found myself at my Grandma's. After I got home I didn't talk to him the rest of the weekend. I had nothing to say, hell there was nothing I could say about what just happened. I ignored my phone and just stuck to video games. I didn't feel like myself. I felt different. So I waited for what Monday will bring.


Monday morning I woke up and barely made it to school on time. I went to the cafeteria to get Austin so we could walk to first hour together. As I entered the room Jacob with sitting with Kyle at one of the tables. I avoided as much eye contact as I could and got Austin. We quickly left to room and made it to first hour before the bell.

I didn't see Jacob until lunch. He was sitting with the friends we shared at our table that sat between 2 pillars which were Kyle, freshman Kyle, Jeremy and Ethan. I sat with my cousin at lunch that day because I didn't want to see Jacob at all. Ancient Civ. 5th hour I worked with Kyle avoiding much conversation regarding Jacob. I didn't want to tell him about what happened nor will I ever want to tell him what happened. Do I regret it? Kinda but then again it was great. I guess it was a way to get over Keighly.

Every time I heard Jacob's name or what happened over the weekend for me I would quickly change the topic to video games. When I was finished with school I took my time since traffic getting out of the school sucked ass. I grabbed my things and talked to some of my friends.

I walked out of the building to the west parking lot where my car was. The car line to get out of the school was already very long so I was just going to sit in my car and listen to music until the line died down. When I was coming upon my car I saw Jacob leaning against the back looking around for me. I quickly ducked down behind a large truck and got out of his field of vision.

Shit what am I supposed to do? I really don't want to talk. I already have a lot of homework to do so I just want to leave and go home. I watched Jacob for another 10 minutes. The car line was gone and he finally gave up. He looked down and turned away to walk to his truck.

I stayed put until he started his truck and sped out of the parking lot. That's when I got up and when I turned the corner of the truck I was met by Keighly and Lydia.


They both looked at me confused so I just adjusted my jacket and went to my car not saying a word. When I got to my car door I unlocked the car and started it up. I tightly grabbed my steering wheel when anger washed over me. I can't like him. He's a boy. Plus we've hated each other for years. I am not going to date a boy. I'm done. I pulled out of the parking lot and went straight home.

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