Chapter 9

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Dylan POV:

After Keighly vanished into the darkness I was stuck thinking of who and how many people possibly heard Jacob and I. I guess they would've found out eventually but right at the start wasn't wanting to be seen in my recent future.

The sky was beginning to light up meaning it's about sunrise and we should probably leave soon. The house finally died down and more cars have left so now I'm just sitting on the bed of Jacob's truck absorbing my surroundings and inhaling the morning breeze. Turning I checked on Jacob while he still sleeps. He looks so peaceful. Every time I look at him I realize that I have made my decision. I think I do know what I want and what I want is him but I'm just afraid to tell him.

When the sun peaked over the hills I woke him up to put his clothes back on so that if Kyle came back he wouldn't suspect anything. Like any other guy he refused to wake up. I found it cute. He would turn and stir making grunt noises refusing to function and wake up. But after a few shakes and teasing kisses to his cheeks and neck, he finally got up.

Helping him put his shirt on last I pecked him on the lips quickly after his head came through the neck hole of his shirt. But before I could fully pull back Jacob swiftly put his hands around my waist, bringing me back towards him and connected our lips once again. I guess it was payback for waking him up. But I smiled in our kiss, I love when he does this. The feeling was something I would love to feel 24/7. I could get used to it quickly. Moving in-sync he passionately slips his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues fight for dominance but he wins in the end.

I faintly heard someone walking towards us so I quickly pushed him off of me and got to my feet scouting the area of who it was. Jacob had a confused look on his face so I used my hand and signaled to stay put so he listened without a word. Come to my surprise it was Kyle who I saw coming towards us. I honestly thought he went with Keighly but now that I look over, the blue truck she came in was now gone.

"Hey guys." I rolled my eyes and jumped out of the truck bed landing on the ground. I had no words for him since he chose to hang out with Keighly and even if he tried to lie I know the truth.

I was piecing everything together, they had a thing, or at least he wanted to have a thing with her. He's like a dog to her, she's using him for her own entertainment. I can tell because by her expressions you can see she doesn't feel the same. I stopped caring though, if he wants to be left with a broken heart then so be it. I won't stop him.

I turned and looked back to Jacob, "Let's go," I didn't want to lose my temper because he chose to spend more time with her than his 2 friends.

Getting in his truck we left the house just as the clock turned to 6am. We went back to Jacob's house and hung out eating breakfast. Kyle left afterwards so it was me and Jake alone.

We enjoyed our time together. My mother hasn't called me yet to tell me to come home and I really just wanted to stay with Jacob. The party was fun yes, but we had to watch out constantly for other people not wanting to expose ourselves.

So to stay quiet we headed to his basement since it was probably the most quiet room in the house since all of the rooms were upstairs. I was the same as I remembered. I nominated a movie so that if we made noise no one wold really hear.We made out on his couch enjoying each others presence, our lips moving together and hands roaming. We shared no fear of anyone walking in. Jacob's family was still asleep and he said he would . The most we went to was both of our shirts were off and we were cuddling feeling each others warm bodies.

The warmth surrounded me like a million warm blankets. Jacob held me from behind with his arm around my waist and his face in the crook of my neck. His breath was warm and all it did was send goosebumps down my back. I enjoyed it though. I never wanted it to stop.

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