Chapter 5

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Lets have a change for a chapter


Jacob's POV:

After school I went straight to my car. No use waiting for Dylan. He has been ignoring and avoiding me at all costs. Do I blame him no so I went to the band room with a different friend and walked outside with her to her car. We joked around enough to make me laugh and smile since before I didn't do much of that. She told me she had to leave so I watched her start her car and leave. When I made my way to my car I noticed Dylan walking towards his. One look at him and I wanted to run to catch him in time. He's mad at me though, he has ignored me so I took the hint and left him alone. I couldn't hold myself back I ran over to him, "Dylan!!" I called out to him I jogged over to him hoping he wouldn't rush to leave.

"Dylan listen," I said. I almost continued when he held his hand up, "Okay Jacob I honestly don't want to deal with this right now. I just want to go home." I could tell he was still mad at me. I wasn't going to back down though.

"Listen to me, I just want to apologize for what happened Saturday," I looked at the ground, "I know you are probably really pissed off at me and I understand. I shouldn't have done that. It was completely immature." I had so much more to say. He already knows how I feel, like hell I gave him a hand job to express how much I like him. I couldn't control myself and I felt so bad because I never really knew how he felt about me. I could tell he was done talking though so I didn't say anything more. I wanted to hug him and help him but that was the wrong approach so I did it the old fashioned way. I held my hand out. He hesitated but shook it in the end. I just nodded and walked back to my truck.

After I walked away I started to over think. I got mixed emotions which in the end left me depressed. I have bipolar depression. Its bad to the point I have medicines for it.

I watched Dylan as he pulled out of the parking lot. As I sat in the drivers seat of my car I had my hands gripped on the steering wheel. My thoughts were consuming me, I was getting angry. I shouldn't have done that to him. I should've taken it slow. I ruined my real chances with him. I smacked my head on my steering wheel causing the car horn to go off. People who were around looked in my direction but most didn't notice who really honked. I turned the key and started the engine. Pressing hard on the accelerator, I sped out of the parking lot like I always do. I messed up for sure this time.


I got home and quickly began homework in my room. I avoided my stay at home mother until I was finished. I needed something to do. I got on my favorite website that told me about what trains will pass through town at certain times. I had a IAIS-703 passing through town in less than a half hour so I quickly grabbed my camera and left home. I went to my usual recording spot near the old train station. Currently it is a doggie spa and tombstone creator place but sometime in the future it will once again be a station.

I set up and started recording right when the train was coming into view. I stayed silent and watched as the beauty sped down the tracks. The railroad tracks went right through the middle of town going east to west. You could see the headlights of stopped cars on the train as it moved. Street lamps made the view better since where I recorded was just outside of the downtown area where there were houses both in front and behind me. I always went here. The creepy thing was Keighly's house was right in front of me. I looked through the oncoming train to her house. I could see her room since one of her windows didn't have blinds. She usually hung a blanket or something over it but it was clear. I knew it was her room because I have seen her in there a few times most likely doing homework. She's probably seen me and got creeped out and I wouldn't blame her.

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