Chapter 12

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Dylan POV:

It felt weird having 2 girls stay the night but then again it felt nice to have them over to comfort me. The truth....the truth hurts like a bitch. It really does. It hurts maybe 1000 times worse than when Keighly left.

I didn't exactly sleep that night, or the nights after. Every time I closed my eyes he was there, either with Lila or just holding my heart and crushing it. I cried most nights to the point I would call one of the girls. They were alternating each night calling me because I couldn't sleep or the pressure on my chest was suffocating me. They were just looking out for me and I was grateful for that.

Right now, my biggest fear ever was what is going to happen when I go back to school. He doesn't know I know about him and Lila. The girls didn't say anything about it to him. He still probably thinks everything is fine but in reality it isn't. Monday's gonna suck.


Monday morning-

"Everything will be fine, me and Kaylee will be at your side today if that's alright with you. I'll walk you to your classes", Keighly texted our group chat that was created just this morning.

"I will too. I will stab that boy if he does as much as lay a finger on you" Kaylee replied.

I smiled at my phone sending back, "That's fine"

Getting up at 5:30 that morning to work until 7:30 I headed to school with time to spare. I went to my locker and get my stuff for first hour and then made my way to the lunch room. I was tired and still kind of broken. I forgot my ADHD medicine this morning so my mind was going berserk. Turning down the hallway to the lunch room I see Keighly at her locker so I stop by. She looks up and sees me, she isn't happy with the bags under my eyes, her fake smile says so.

"How are you feeling?" She asks turning back to her locker.

"I'm alright. Better than last Friday."

"Are you sure about that? The bags under your eyes say different." She gives me a disappointed look, I'm busted. "You told me and Kaylee that you go to bed after our calls, don't lie to us. Did you go to bed after we were done talking?"

"No, I know, I'm sorry." I say. She closes her locker and heads to the cafeteria and I follow behind. Her eyes wander around looking beyond us, behind us, and to the sides of us. I can tell she's on the lookout for Jacob, because when it comes to stuff like this she gets very protective so what she's doing is normal.

Walking into the lunch room Kaylee sat at one of the back tables drinking a monster, me and Keighly walked in together towards her. She took a seat next to Kaylee at the table she took a sip of the drink as I moved around and sat across from them. It was an ultra red monster, the twin's favorite, Keighly thought she deserved some of the beautiful beverage too because if one was drinking to have energy, the other will too. "Bitch, don't drink my monster unless I let you", Kaylee glared at her twin and the other just looked back and laughed. "Sorry" she continued and Kaylee joined in. They sounded like hyenas, the caffeine was kicking in quickly and their behavior resembles to children when on caffeine. I watched them and denying their offer to me, I'm not a fan of energy drinks.

Keighly quickly ratted me out to her twin after they finished laughing and this time I got 2 disapproving and disappointed looks.

"You told me that you go to bed after our calls, why did you lie to us?" Kaylee said.

"That's what I told him!!", her twin replied.

I sighed, "I didn't want to bother you for too long. It was late and you guys need sleep too."

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