Chapter 6

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Jacob's POV:

How did I know Kyle was going to barge in.

How. Did. I. Know.

I was looking forward to finally kissing Dylan and finding out the answer to his feelings but nooooooo Kyle finally got to the house after hanging out with Keighly.

Yes, I knew he went to town to see her, it was obvious. Keighly still talks to me but recently she's taken an interest in Kyle. I don't approve of her trying to play Kyle like she played me and Dylan but it's what she does. I couldn't bring myself to tell Dylan where he really was nor tell him I still talk to her. I don't plan to say anything any time soon. I know his feelings towards her, like, really. They have already caused scenes and fights within the school I didn't want to bring it outside and have it effect our soon to be relationship.

We all grabbed our belongings and got into my truck. As we pulled out of my driveway heading to Stotler's, Dylan sat in the drivers seat and Kyle sat between us. I was very upset because not only did Kyle ruin the moment me and Dylan were about to have in my room but now he is sitting between us in my fucking truck. He doesn't know though, that's all that matters. I just have to keep reminding myself because if he finds out then Dylan would never accept me and I would lose one or maybe both of my best friends. The whole school would know and then eventually both of our parents would find out. What's bad about that is my parents would flip shit if they found out I was gay. Dylan's parents, I wouldn't know how they would take it. I haven't seen them in a rather long time. I just want this to work out so when Dylan and I are a thing we both could come out and tell everyone.

It took 5-10 minutes of driving and awkward silence between all of us. But when we finally pulled up there were lights coming over the horizon of a house located on a hill outside a line of trees leading into a forest. The place was rather huge and cars were turning off of the highway and heading towards it so I took that this was Stotler's place.

The house was rather large, I don't mean like mansion size but a simple 2 story farmhouse. There was a long line of cars on the driveway approaching the house and we were one of them. We found a parking spot under a line of oak trees and we all got out.

All of the other people who were here attending had nothing but beer cases. Stotler was stupid to tell us to bring booze. I don't even understand how these guys got this stuff but no matter, I'm not drinking tonight.

Each of us got out of the car and began to walk towards the house where music was now being heard. Dylan and I walked side by side and in doing so I chose to go for a hand grab but before I could Kyle, who was walking behind us, called my name.

"Jacob". Dylan and I both turned around, "What Kyle?" I responded. I'm going to kill him if he interrupts us one more goddamn time.

"Can I talk to you for a second.....alone?" I looked at Dylan and made eye contact with him. He showed no emotion from what I could see and then looking back at Kyle I could tell it was something important within his eyes. "Go on inside. We will meet you in there." I told Dylan, he just nodded and continued up the driveway towards the house.

Kyle ushered me to follow him and so we took off going in a different direction left of the house. He led me to a bunch of parked cars and I noticed the devil herself sitting in the trunk of a large blue ford truck.


She sat in a lawn chair in the bed of the truck with a Dr. Pepper in her hand and her friends surrounding her in their own conversations. Her hair had changed from brown with blonde streaks to a deep Burgundy which complimented her outfit of Maroon leggings and a white crop top. I rolled my eyes and slowed down my pace. Kyle looked back at me and gave the pleading look to continue. This has something to do with her of course. We approached the cars and Kyle greeted Keighly and then jumped onto the tailgate of the truck and stood by her side popping open a Coke. "Well, well, well, you brought me a present Kyle?" She questioned, glaring at me she spoke, "Hello Jacob. Long time no see."

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