Chapter 1: Selcouth

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"I didn't know the look or meaning of a gear turning to operate a machine; the fact that my mirror was broken did not help

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"I didn't know the look or meaning of a gear turning to operate a machine; the fact that my mirror was broken did not help."

You were the quiet type.

You were never the person to interrupt. If anything had embedded itself in your mind throughout your life, it was the fact that voices are like permanent markers, and therefore if used, they would leave a painfully official mark that bled through the thin white paper of life. To you, the solution was so simple. Markers cannot deal damage with a cap on.

So you never questioned the workings of the world,

People often mistook you as the deep philosophical type that runs into mental paradox's daily. That was far from the truth. You lived to fill a box, and it never made you feel out of place. To someone looking in from the outside, you might be considered bland, the depiction of normal; but one has to consider you are riding the brutal roller coaster of high school, where everyone bleeds to stand out.

So you were the bland, plain white academic driven girl in a sea of colorful people. Given that, you stood out. Although, it never bothered you; people left you alone at school, and so you never ripped your eyes off assignments. Sometimes you caught yourself gawking at the clump of girls across the classroom giggling to themselves. Love. Love is all they ever talked about. These girls seemed drunk on the idea; and boys were no better.

You knew the wide difference, though.

Girls wanted something to numb their minds. Girls wanted to steal sweaters and kisses on the cheek; but boys,

Boys just wanted to steal virginity.

If you think back, you can't recall ever experiencing such passionate feelings towards another human being. Your passion was work. That's what kept you calm, what kept you at ease. Sure, people may call you rather undesirable names due to your main focus in life, but you didn't understand what was so great about love. There was no rubric to follow, no letter grade or percentage. Love was simply blind, and you enjoy your eyesight.


You trudged down the elective hallway on the east end of your school. Clad in a turquoise and black blazer and skirt, complimented by a white blouse and tie to top it all off. This was the uniform of Soon-Yin high, and in your opinion, it might as well have been plucked right out of an anime. This opinion credited solely to the skirt, which didn't have the decency to reach even close to the knee. Oh yes, you've tried it all, but plus sizes just don't cut it. You'd rather have a short skirt than one that refuses to simply stay on.

Go, go, go.
You did not bare a watch, nor was there a clock in sight, but the time ticked obnoxiously in your head. It was almost passing period; and you had not made it to your next classroom. In fact, you we're far from reaching it. You usually are excused early to go to the library, and avoid the dreaded rush of lunch. All 4 grades emerge from their classrooms and collide into one huge collection of chaos. You hated getting caught in this daily event. On that subject, it was rare for you to even eat in the designated lunch room. You usually slipped into the far corner of the school library and ate a simple meal, accompanied by some kind of book.

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