Chapter 5: Petrichor

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"You can't expect a fawn to identify it's bond with it's mother

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"You can't expect a fawn to identify it's bond with it's mother. It is simply just there; and this, ladies and gentlemen, is why naivety is the purest form of wisdom." 

You wheezed in a large breath that filled the capacity of your lungs to the highest extent manageable at the moment; luckily enough to muster the words you needed, but unfortunately not enough to think about them before they left your mouth.

"Ah! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, oppa!"

Jungkook froze upon your words. 

Oops, you weren't careful.

You gasped for air in your exhausted state, not even realizing at first what you had did to cause Jungkook's sudden shock. At this point, you were on your knees and Jungkook had kneeled behind you. After recovering fully from his playful assault on you, you turned around to see him staring blankly, almost sullenly, at the floor. Your eyebrows roughly creased the skin between them, and you reluctantly placed a hand at his shoulder, gently shaking. "Jungkook?" His gaze snapped up, and his eyes darted to look at yours.

"I have...To go..."

He used his knee as support to push himself off the ground, and dust himself off; and just like that, he took off down the hall. You frowned. "Wait! Jun-....Was it something I said?" He only looked over his shoulder with a tinge of remorse in his eye, but his legs only then propelled him faster to wherever he planned to flee to. You sat there; bloodied blouse and all, pondering everything you had said or did in the last 24 hours to cause his sudden leave. Though, you could find nothing. It was like a switch flipped in his mind, and without warning.

A heavy sigh escaped your lips, and you slowly stood, minor lightheadedness  striking your senses as you did. Then, out of nowhere, at least in your account, Mina came storming towards you. "Seo Y/N! For the love of- What happened to you!?!" She grabbed your cheeks in her palms and forced you to face her. "It looks like you were just murdered. Is there a logical explanation for this? Were you a zombie this whole time and just didn't tell me?! Oh Y/N, you know you can tell me anyth- Wait! I know! You tried to do your own makeup again. Oh, Honey!"

You rolled your eyes and groaned, tearing her grip from your face. She clicked her tongue. "Yah! Y/N, what gives?" Your neck drooped like an overweight branch, and head hung uncomfortably off the end. "The one time I let myself go like everyone tells me to, I crush one of the few meaningful social bonds I have in this world. That's what gives, Mina. I'm a screw up, I can't get anything right." Mina's bitter aura diminished and her attention snapped up. "I-...I understand that, alright?..But, Y/N!!! That doesn't exactly explain why you look like a corpse!"

You gave her confused puppy eyes for a moment, but then said eyes wondered along the blouse you forgot gave away past events you'd rather not remember. "Oh, yeah." You breathed. "Seolhya and-" Mina cut you off. "Seolhya?" Mina rolled her eyes and muttered obscenities under her breath. "Mother f-...Say no more, sweet child. I'll take care of her. For now, we're getting out of here." She grabbed your wrist and pushed out the nearest exit. You looked back at the building. "We're...Ditching? Like, ditching ditching? Not even on campus ditching, but no joke ditching?"

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