Chapter 2: Vigilance

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"My whole life I have had words branded onto my forehead

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"My whole life I have had words branded onto my forehead. When someone came along one day and proved those words wrong, my jaw hung loosely on it's hinges."

"Morning, class."

Mr. Shun walked into your particularly quiet classroom.

This class wasn't usually quiet. No, first period adv. Biology almost always had some type of social buzz going on; and Mr. Shun wasn't the type of teacher to interfere with unnecessary conversation among students. Today for some reason was dead silent. The best conclusion you could draw was from the gloomy overcast occupying the sky, not sparing a single ray of sun through the dense layer of grey clouds. You did notice that people's energy tend to mimic the weather; or perhaps vice versa.

You didn't have to look behind you to know Jungkook was already asleep on his desk with a face full of sweater. The desks were arranged relatively close, therefore you could hear the soft hum of his calmed gentle breaths, emphasized by fabric. Although, he wasn't the only one. This class genuinely reminded you of nap time in your very early years of school; and now that your vision pans the room, you go into realization that your head is the only one poked up in attentiveness.

As your gaze is brought back to Mr. Shun, you see him looking among the clutter of slumbering faces and just waiting in silence- As if waiting for them to wake up simultaneously and start being their chatty selves. Said moment never comes, and you begin to witness Mr. Shun himself start to doze off as well. What the heck is going on? You probably should have brought out your notebook by now and jotted down notes based on the online course, but the lack of consciousness in this room has left you dumbfounded.

The silence is almost suffocating.

You sigh, almost intentionally loud, hoping that maybe someone might wake up, scolding you for doing so and starting a domino effect; but, to absolutely no one's surprise, everyone is out. Your eyebrows furrow and you slowly stand up, stealthily making your way through the narrow aisle and stand in front of Mr. Shun, who doesn't even notice you at first because he seems to be in an open eyed sleep.

"Mr. Shun?"

Your voice is of course a whisper, but a little pigmented. He shakes his head a bit, as if shaking off the intense desire to want to bury himself under 15 layers of comforters, and makes eye contact with you. "Yes, Ms. Seo?" You slightly let the corners of your lips turn up in a plastic smile, that someone could very well call bs on from a mile away. "May I be excused for a brief moment, sir?" Your fingers lock nervously in front of your stomach. You really hope he won't question your motives, because doing so might just increase those motives to a breaking point.

He seems to narrow his eyes in contemplation for a bit, but one of the many perks of being a teacher's pet is the sudden trust granted to you to do whatever the hell you want. He nods his head shallowly, and lets a yawn escape his mouth. I swear to god, if this guy falls asleep right now I am going to lose it. "You are excused." Those simple words came out of his mouth about a thousand times more groggy than how he'd been speaking previously; but you are extremely glad he said them, for your sake, and in all honesty, his sake as well.

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