Eight (Real Life)

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Jimin was sat quietly on his sofa, his legs crossed as he scrolled through his Instagram feed awaiting the arrival of one of his dearest best friends, Jung Hoseok.

His boyfriend was out with his other best friend, Taehyung for the day leaving the poor boy home alone with nothing else better to do.

But luckily for him, his boyfriend would be home in the next half an hour which made him happy.

But I mean, he could have gone out himself to pass the time Yoongi had been gone after he left this morning but he didn't exactly want to do so, plus he really needed to sit down and have a talk with his friend.

Hoseok had been commenting flirtatious remarks on both the couples instagrams photos for the past four months now, leading the both of them into a state of confusion.

They never really understood why the male did so, but they both gradually began to grasp at the idea that he could potentially like one of them or like the both of them.

They didn't exactly delve deep into the circumstance because at first it wasn't much of a problem for them, but now it had started to get on Jimins boyfriends 'nerves' as he would put it which caused him to having this conversation with his friend.

As he waited, he came across a recent post from his boyfriend which was a picture of both him and Taehyung holding drinks to their lips.

This brought a smile to the younger's face as admired his boyfriend, taking in the beautiful features before he decided to leave a comment under it.

Once his comment had been posted, there was a knock on his door indicating that his friend had finally arrived for their conversation.

With one last glance at his boyfriends photo, he shut his phone off tossing it to the side as he got up from his comfy position on the sofa before he made his way over to the front door.

With a smile, he opened the door to reveal his friend who had a smile on his face revealing the sunshine that he always released when he was around other people.

"Hey sunshine!" Jimin grinned as he allowed his friend into his apartment.

"Hey Chim," he replied with a smile, the both of them walking over to the sofa where they both sat down.

Not wanting them both to pretty much sit in silence and not have this conversation happen, Jimin decided he was going to be blunt about it.

His eyes connected with Hoseok's before he opened up "So, about what we were talking about through Instagram. How come you didn't want to say anything on chat?" He asked, curious to why his friend couldn't exactly tell him over text.

"I know you, I know you'd screenshot the conversation and probably show Taehyung and the rest of them and I don't want you to do that," he replied with a shrug.

Hoseok did have a point so Jimin just nodded his head, because yes that is exactly what he would have done.

If a conversation was serious, or awkward, or even a situation he couldn't exactly answer to he would have to go out of his way and tell someone and ask for their help.

That's just who he is, he's awkward when it comes to those kinds of situations so he needs to seek out others guidance and advice before answering.

Knowing him, if he didn't he would end up saying the completely wrong thing which could just make the whole situation worse.

"What exactly is it that you couldn't tell me over text then? Is it really that bad that it makes you think I'll tell the others?" He asked, he wasn't offended because again, he completely agreed with the other.

"I just," he took in a deep breath as he looked the younger in the eyes "You promise not to freak out, nor interrupt me with what I'm about to tell you and potentially do? I don't want to lose you or Yoongi as my friends," he said, a small frown on his face.

Jimin nodded, flashing his friend with a reassuring smile "Of course, you'd never lose us Hobi hyung, you of all people should know that."

Hoseok only managed a weak smile, taking in a deep breath as he nodded his head at his younger friend.

He wasn't entirely prepared for what he was going to say, he was kind of hoping that he'd never exactly have to admit to his feelings towards his two friends.

He doesn't quite understand why he grew feelings for the both of them, they just kind of happened.

He tried his very hardest to not show it, but I guess he kind of failed if they both finally began to catch onto him.

With a few minutes of silence, he finally blurted out the dreaded words "I like you and Yoongi."

Jimin looked at his friend with his lips pouted slightly, his head tilting to the side a little as he took in the spoke confession of his friend.

Once he had finally registered what he had said, he wanted to say something so he opened his mouth to say something only to be cut off.

"I'm not finished, I-.. just let me explain it okay?" He said, Jimin only nodded his head giving him his full attention.

"I don't know why I have these feelings okay? They just started to happen, just.. we all started to hang out more when Taekook finally became a thing and I just.. fuck," he said, his hands rubbing his face in frustration before he finally continued.

"I know you both are together, I never expected this to happen. I mean, I liked you way before Yoongi came into the picture but I never said anything because you're one of my closest friends.

"But then, you both started inviting me to go out with you both and I got to know Yoongi better since we never really spoke much even if we were friends and these fucking feelings started to happen and I just don't know," a groan of frustration left his lips this time.

"You're both so fucking perfect, and I'm finding it so hard to hold myself back from you both and I'm so sorry for what I'm about to do," and with that said, Hoseoks hand found the back of Jimins head bringing him closer to him.

He pushed his lips against Jimins, soft, plump lips for the first time and he loved it.

Jimin sat there in shock, his eyes wide from the fact that his friend had just pushed his lips against his own.

But the worse part of it all, he didn't actually care. He loved the feeling of his friends lips on his own, he didn't find it weird, he fond it oddly perfect.

Like how he kiss his boyfriend, it felt like their lips were meant just for each other.

Once he had finally composed himself, he found his eyes falling shut, his arms making their way around Hoseoks neck as he kissed the other back.

They don't know how long they had been there, their lips locked together in a passionate kiss but they were pulled away abruptly when they heard the sound of something crashing onto the floor.

Quickly, they both pulled away from each other to see where the noise came from.

There at the front door stood, Min Yoongi.

Eyes filling with tears as he witnessed his boyfriend kissing someone who wasn't him.

With a small cry leaving his lips, he turned around and ran out of the apartment.

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