Forty Three (Real Life)

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Yoongi is going to be kind of like a little. That'll be explained in this chapter. Sorry if some of you don't like this, I just keep having ideas while writing because most of the times these ideas actually fit with what I'm writing.


After all three of them caught their breaths, they all made their way into the bathroom where a nice warm bubble bath was run.

Both Jimin and Yoongi got in the bath tub while Hoseok stayed out seeing as the tub could only fit two, he crouched down in front of the tub so that he could help wash his two precious boyfriends'.

The whole bathroom was filled with laughs of pure joy as they all played with the bubbles, making weird little beards along with blowing them into each others faces.

Both Jimin and Hoseok helped to clean their precious little prince, pressing loving kisses to him every once in awhile.

Smile's on their faces as they talked and messed around while cleaning each other off.

When Jimin was clean he'd stepped out of the tub to trade places with Hoseok before Yoongi and Jimin cleaned Hoseok off.

They'd probably spent over an hour in the bathroom but that was okay, they were all having fun messing around with the bubbles.

But as the water began to turn cold they all got out and wrapped towels around their bodies before they walked back into their bedroom.

Yoongi was sat on the edge of the bed, his towel wrapped around his body while he watched his two very handsome boyfriends' search for some clothes for all of them to wear.

After sex Yoongi always became child like, going into a little head space but even when they haven't had sex he could still slip into this little head space.

He loved to be taken care of, he liked all the love and attention he got from both of his boyfriends'.

He felt comfortable to slip into this head space, he knew they'd never judge him.

They were like his caregivers, always looking out for him and making sure that he was okay but also being strict on him when he's done something wrong.

Yoongi wasn't the type of little who has to suck on pacifiers or drink from a babies bottle, his head space wasn't that young of a child.

His head space more along the lines of he loved to play with toys and colour in his colouring book along with cuddling with his little stuffed teddy bears but he did often speak within third person to first person, sometimes mixed together,

He doesn't call Hoseok and Jimin his 'daddies' because that was more of a word that he calls them during sex, while in this head space they were both 'Seokkie' and 'Chimmy' but it can happen ever so often when he would call them 'daddy' within this head space, it all depended on what he was saying.

And he to them were '(My)Little prince', 'Baby boy', 'Kitten', or 'Yoongs'.

But he'd never show this part around all of his other friends because to them he was kind of the cold hearted friend who sometimes shows emotions.

He knows that they wouldn't be bothered about this, but this was something he liked to keep strictly between himself and his boyfriends'.

When they were both finished getting dressed, both of them helped him into a pair of boxers and one of Hoseok's jumpers which was way too big for but he didn't care, he loved oversized clothes.

"Seokkie," Yoongie mumbled as he cutely rubbed his eyes "Chimmy," he then said before a yawn escaped his lips "M'sleepy," he looked up at the both of them with tired eyes and a small pout "Yoongs wanna sleep now with his daddies 'cause m'sleepy and want cuddles."

Both of the males couldn't help but coo at the older, smiles forming on their faces as they nodded his head "Alright kitten," Hoseok smiled "I guess it's time for bed."

Jimin nodded his head in agreement "Come on prince, lets get you all tucked under the covers."

Yoongi nodded his head with a tired smile, crawling up the bed until he was in the middle so that both of his boyfriends' could lie beside him.

"Cuddles," the older whined as he made grabby hands towards the two males.

With small laughs, the both of them got into the bed on either side of the elder.

Hoseok pressed a soft kiss to Jimin's lips which the younger gladly returned with a smile, but of course the older whined because he wasn't having the attention directed on him.

Jimin pulled away with a small laugh, leaning down to press a soft kiss to the elders lips which he gladly accepted.

But when Jimin pulled away Hoseok was quick to kiss the elder before they all settled down with smiles on their faces.

Both Hoseok and Jimin threw their arms over Yoongi as they cuddled his tiny frame, pressing soft kisses to his cheeks before closing their eyes.

"Goodnight my angels," Hoseok said "I love you both."

"G'night Seokkie, I love you too," Yoongi mumbled tired "G'night Chimmy, Yoongs love you too."

"Goodnight sunshine and my little kitten, I love you both," he replied.

After they all said their goodnight's it wasn't long until they were all fast asleep, wrapped in each others warm embraces.


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