Thirty Four (Real Life)

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Everyone had gathered around at the Kim's household for Christmas, this being they wanted to be together plus none of them could exactly cook to save their lives so both Jin and Namjoon invited them around for Christmas.

Everything was going as well as things could go, they all shared presents with each other and ate a nice Christmas meal but they all couldn't deny the tension that was building up in the room.

Everyone had their suspicions about the yoonminseok potential couple, only one person genuinely knowing they're together and that person being Namjoon.

On one sofa we had the happily married Taekook couple, cuddle up with smiles on their faces.

Even with them both arguing every so often, causing Taehyung wanting to sell his loveable husband off into slavery their arguments were never much to break their relationship. They were more like petty arguments like washing the dishes or who's turn it is to make the bed and stuff like that.

On the love seat, we had the ever so happy Namjin couple smiling and discussing things about their wedding that was coming up in only a few months time.

Sitting on the floor we then head the Yoonmin couple, cuddled up with one another but their faces where upturned into frowns and scowls as they looked anywhere but at Hoseok.

Lastly, we had our sunshine Hoseok sitting peacefully in the one person chair with his own frown on his face while he also avoids looking at the Yoonmin couple.

You'd surely be stupid if you didn't know if anything was going on between the three, one minute they're happy, close and 'secretly' flirting with each other. I say secrete but it's no secret to anyone who is near or reading their comments.

Everyone was ignoring the tension in the room, not one of them wanting to bring it up until our dear little sunshine sneezed only for Jimin to turn to him with a scowl as he said "Shut up," with a hard glare.

This only made the man to glare back "I'm sorry, am I not allowed to fucking sneeze?" He sneered.

"No, and you're not allowed to breathe either," he shrugged, this only riling the man up even more.

"Chim," Yoongi mumbled, gently squeezing his boyfriends hand in a way to show him to calm down "Please don't.. not here."

"Yeah 'Chim', lets not do it here," Hoseok sneered again "Don't want anyone knowing now do we?"

You're probably wondering why this whole thing is such a big deal, right? Well lets just say, the stuff that had been said previous wasn't the full details.

Hoseok had gone to talk to both the boys about their relationship and where he stood in all of this, he also wanted to know why they couldn't go public or at least tell their friends which turned into a huge argument.

Yoongi wasn't really part of the argument, the whole argument was based more around Hoseok and Jimin.

Jimin had started calling him selfish and that he just didn't understand why.

Of course the poor man didn't understand why, Jimin wasn't telling him or giving him any reasons of why they couldn't. He only brushed the conversation off or just blew up at him.

And that is what has led them to this, glaring at each other and not talking. Both men didn't want to give in and say they were wrong.

Why? They're both pretty dominant and they don't like owning up to their mistakes even if it will fix most of their problems.

Hoseok really wanted to sort this out, he just wanted his boys back but he didn't want to be the one to apologies first and nor did Jimin.

But before Jimin could even retaliate, Jin was the one speaking up "What the hell is wrong with you guys?" He frowned "You've been like this for the past week now, why?"

"Jimin just doesn't know how to listen," Hoseok shrugged, this only made the smaller male glare at him.

"And why won't you listen to him?" Jin said, turning his attention to Jimin with a raised eyebrow.

"He won't understand," he said.

"What won't he understand?" He frowned, curious about the whole situation.

"It's none of your business."

"Well if it's none of my nor the rest of the guys business, then get your asses up off my floor and my sofa, go upstairs and sort out this problem. I'm sick and tired of sitting through this tension, stop being pussies and own up to whatever mistakes you have made and make up and don't you dare come back downstairs until you have all made up, got it?" He said, his arms folding over his chest in a stern manner.

"But hyung," Jimin whined, this only making Hoseok snort in amusement.

"Don't 'but hyung' me," he said sternly "Go!" He pointed to the stairs, all three of them standing up as they mumbled curses under their breaths as the made their way upstairs and into the spare bedroom.

This sure is going to be one long night.

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