Ten (GC)

938 34 6

ChimChim has created a group chat
ChimChim has added AgustD
ChimChim has added YourHope
ChimChim has named that chat 'Microwave 🤧'

ChimChim: Hello

AgustD: Um. Wtf

ChimChim: What?

AgustD: What the fuck is up with the name?

ChimChim: I couldn't think of a good name

YourHope: Hi?

ChimChim: Hobi

ChimChim: Hoseok

ChimChim: Hyung

ChimChim: Sunshine ☀️

ChimChim: The man we were just looking for

AgustD: Did you really have to do that?

ChimChim: Yes I did

AgustD: Idiot

ChimChim: Your idiot 😘

YourHope: ...

ChimChim: Sorry. Right. To these reason of this group chat

YourHope: I'm sorry

YourHope: Please don't stop our friendship! I won't do it again I promise!

ChimChim: What?

AgustD: That's not what's happening, Hoseok

YourHope: Oh thank fuck for that

AgustD: We've come to a decision

ChimChim: It took a lot of discussing

ChimChim: A few long days of discussing, but

AgustD: If you want to, we can try this out

YourHope: Try what out?

AgustD: Us

ChimChim: The three of us

AgustD: Only if you want

YourHope: Are you being serious? Or are you playing with me?

AgustD: We're being serious

ChimChim: 100% genuine. So, what do you say?

AgustD: Will you be our boyfriend?

YourHope: Fuck

YourHope: Of course I will

ChimChim: Good

ChimChim: Then come over

AgustD: We'll be waiting

YourHope: I'm on my way 💕

ChimChim: ❤️

AgustD: 💞

YourHope has renamed the chat to
'My Boys 💕'

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