Twenty (Real Life)

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After Hoseok sent the photo into the group chat he slipped his phone back into his pocket before he quietly got onto the bed where his boys where peacefully sleeping.

He slowly crawled into the middle of the both of them, pulling them both into him before he pressed two small kisses to their heads with a small smile on his lips as he closed his eyes.

Before he knew it he was fast asleep with the two people he loved dearly, wrapped around his body with content smiles on their faces.

He was soon awaken hours later by the soft touches of two pairs of lips kissing his cheeks and his neck.

With a smile, his eyes slowly opened to see his two boys looking at him with huge grins on their faces.

"You're finally awake!" Yoongi grinned, hugging the youngers waist.

"I am," he smiled, pressing a soft kiss to the top of his head.

"When did you get here?" Jimin asked, looking at his boyfriend with a loving smile.

"I got here a few hours ago, I saw that you both were sleeping so I decided to join you," he shrugged.

"You could have woken us up you know?" Jimin said.

"I know," he nodded "But you both looked so cute so I decided to join you both," he smiled.

"I'm glad you're here!" Yoongi grinned, sitting up "We were going to watch movies and order takeout and invite you over and just have a cuddle session for the night!"

"Well, that's one thing checked off that list then," Hoseok chuckled, running his fingers through his older boyfriends hair.

"Yep!" He grinned "Now up! We gotta get things ready!" Hoseok grinned, sitting up.

"Kisses first," he said.

Yoongi nodded frantically, pressing a quick, long kiss to his lovers lips before doing the same with Jimin.

He then got out of the bed a rushed out of the bedroom with a grin and a blush on his face.

"God, he's so cute," Jimin sighed with a loving smile.

"The cutest," he agreed.

Hoseok then wrapped his arms around Jimins waist, resting his chin on his shoulder before turning his head slightly to press a soft kiss to his neck.

Jimin smiled, turning his head capturing the olders lips with his own as they shared a sweet kiss before they pulled apart.

"Lets go, don't wanna keep our baby waiting," Jimin said with a smile.

Hoseok nodded his head, pulling away from Jimin as they both got off the bed and followed the sound of Yoongi's soft humming.

They all spent the rest of their night cuddled up in Jimin and Yoongi's shared bed with the TV on playing movies on Netflix as they all ate takeout.

The night was absolutely perfect.

Soft kisses were shared and sweet words were spoken.

They all fell asleep to the soft sound of the TV that they put on low, and content smiles on their faces.

They were happy.

They were in love.

They were content.

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