10. Never Surrender

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Apparently I didn't hit my head too hard, because the nurse says I'll be fine to go back to class as soon as I want. I'm purposely taking longer than I need to because I'm not quite ready to face my peers after my very public stunt. It's fine though, they'll forget all about it when the next Loser has the misfortune of crossing Marcus. Even though I'm laying here in defeat I'm still glad that I fought for myself, I feel proud. The ice on the back of my head isn't really helping so I set in on the cot beside me as I take a peek at my unwanted guest. He was gracious enough to let me see the nurse by myself, bless his heart, but now I'm at his mercy again.

"So, are you going to tell me what happened?" Queen sits in the chair nearest me. We're not friends, I don't know why he seems to care so much. It's all got to be an act, he's just like my dad trying to curry favor from everyone, even if his sienna eyes appear filled with genuine concern as he waits.

"You were there, you saw for yourself. I got my ass handed to me." I'm not stupid, I know that's not what he means, but I don't plan to tell him anything I wouldn't even tell my best friend.

"Well it probably wasn't the smartest idea to go up against Marcus like that, but I get why you did it." He flashes a half grin and chuckles under his breath. It's surprising, I would have expected him to give me a lecture, but he forgoes it as he decides to try his question again. This time it's far less broad. "Why are they picking on you? I mean, I wasn't there for the first part, but I heard what happened. It doesn't make sense, they've always left you alone."

"Listen, I know you think it's your job, or whatever, to be up in everybody's business, but I'm not really in the mood to share. It's done, don't worry about it." I'm more direct too, and he takes the hint.

"And what about when it happens again? Do you really think Marcus is just going to let it go?" It might not be his job to protect me, but he acts like it is. "I'm trying to look out for you."

"Since when? I don't remember asking you to get in the middle of it. If Marcus wants to pick another fight with me I'll be ready." I've already considered the consequences of my actions. Nobody goes up against the Populars like that and gets away with it, I know I haven't seen the last of him.

"Don't be stupid, Jonah, you'll just get hurt." Queen's surprisingly patient. I probably shouldn't be such an asshole to him, he did help me out and everything, but that only seems to make it worse. He already thinks we all need him, I can't stand playing into that. I don't need him, I've gotten along just fine without his help so far, and I'm not going to ask for it now. Regardless, he offers it anyway. "I'm your friend, I'm here for you whether you like it or not."

"Friend? How the hell do you figure? I don't even know what your actual fucking name is."

"It's Abraham." He tells me after a second. "But you can call me—"

"I'm not going to call you Queen." I interrupt before he can finish. It's too ridiculous, I don't think I could even say it with a straight face if I tried. Not like he hasn't earned the name though, and I check him over like I might've forgotten how he looks. Today he's wearing red pants that are two sizes too small for him, and a velour bowtie that matches. He doesn't even try to blend in, our sexuality is the only thing we have in common.

"Actually I was going to say you can call me Bram." The smile he wears remains intact, even as he clarifies. At this point he's probably used to dealing with people like me, so it doesn't seem to bother him. "There, now we're friends. Now do you want to tell me what's going on?"

"It's nothing, I was tutoring Brent Fox and it didn't end well." My answer omits the details, but I have to give him something.

"That's obvious. Maybe you should go home for the day, give everything a chance to calm down. I can ask the nurse to call your dad if you want." Queen believes he knows what's best, but he doesn't. The only thing worse than everyone seeing what happened earlier is if they find out I ran away, and I'm not about to take on a reputation that I'll never be able to live down. High school's almost over, and even if I am just a Loser, I still have some credit to my name. I don't want to lose it now.

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