chapter thirteen

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Dear Mandy,

School starts soon and I'm absolutely terrified. I talked the Luke about it and wasn't as sympathetic as usual. As matter of fact, he was really quiet, too quiet. It was weird.

Michael and Calum reassured me it would be okay, and both of them will be with me. It just sucks since this is their Senior year, so ill have to survive one year without them after this one...

I'm just so scared for school, mainly because people will bring you up...

"I'm sorry for your loss"

"Your sister was a lovely girl"

Everyone will act like their my best friend and that they actually care just because you're gone...

I don't want that.

It's different with people at the therapy group, they actually do care, because they have something tough that they're going through too.

I find it crazy how I thought I would hate the therapy group...

After school starts it will just be scheduled later in the day. It may be harder to keep up with school work but ill manage.

In other news, Dad came by today to pick up the rest of his things. He's living with grandma until he can save enough for an apartment.

He told me he loved me and he'd call me tonight... It's midnight and he still hasn't called.

Mom claimed he's probably back to drinking at the bar since he's depressed.... Mom isn't great either but she's doing better than the rest of us, shockingly.

I was going through the closest yesterday and found your favourite shoes... The red heels you wore all the time. I cried. I broke down. I just sat on the floor with one in my hand, crying for what seemed for hours.

I woke up to Jaxton shaking me. I'd literally cried myself to sleep on the floor. I hugged him and he hugged back weakly, but quickly pulled away. He didn't say anything but he smiled ever so slightly before sliding out the door.

I just wish you'd come back.


Delilah ~

A/N - so not much has happened the past few chapters but something interesting's about to happen soo :-)))

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