chapter twenty four

17 2 1

-possibly triggering-

Dear Mandy,

I'm sorry.

I tried to slit my wrists but I didn't get too far. Luke got worried when I wasn't answered and found me in my bathroom, sobbing.

He threw the razor across the room and used his shirt to stop the bleeding as he called the ambulance. 

The last thing I remember before blacking out is hearing his beautiful voice singing safe and sound, feeling his arms around me, and the sight of him shirtless.

It was really nice...

He rode in the ambulance too apparently, but I didn't wake up until I was in the hospital bed. The IV in my arm felt familiar. Remember when I had to go all the time for my eating problems?

Luke had brought some cookies Liz made to the hospital.  I didn't really want them but he begged me.

He held my hand and sang songs softly in my ear until I felt asleep again.

He's so caring and sincere.

I love Luke, Mandy.

There's no turning back now.

Dear Mandy,  | l.h auWhere stories live. Discover now