chapter fifteen

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Dear Mandy,

Luke kissed me today.

It was at his house, in his bedroom. We went there after therapy. He didn't answer when I asked him why he wasn't there the day before. He seemed really uneasy but wouldn't tell me anything.

I told him I like him a lot, and he just smiled a little... And then he kissed me.

It wasn't like the kissed you and Jaxton had usually, it was slower, less... hungry.

You and Jaxton used to always rough house with each other. I remember joking that one day you'd break his arm.

Luke and I's relationship is different than that. It's a lot more gentle, slow paced.

Mom asked a little about him. I just told her she'd meet him soon. To be honest I'm scared for her to meet him, i never formally introduced a boyfriend... Is he my boyfriend? I don't know. I'm so confused.

All I know is that I like Luke... A lot... Who knows, maybe i did meet the guy of my dreams at therapy...

You always warned me about falling too fast and that's what I'm trying to not to do.

But it's failing, Mandy. It's failing so badly.


Delilah ~

A/N - this was sooo short OMG but the next chapter I gonna be kinda exciting!

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