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The pillow talk started easily, "Sarah, how have you managed to dodge marriage all this time?", he asked sincerely, "you're so hot you make me weak in the knees." She tried to escape the issue by saying, "Do we have to get into this right now? It's so wonderful lying here in your arms." He looked at her and said, "I have to know, it's a stupid man thing." She conceded, "Alright, the trash talk at work is partially right. I've turned myself into an 'iron Princess' so I won't marry the wrong man." He looked at her with a puzzled look, "how's it going so far?" "It's excruciatingly difficult to do while you're around. In the past, very cold showers and watching anti-male movies sort of made it workable. Plus, there's a lot of really unlikable men out there. I've had a few close calls, but being very picky carried me through", she admitted. "I still can't understand how a smoldering superwoman like you can fall for an average schmuck like me?" , he lamented. "Don't you ever listen to your own voice? You nailed it, our hearts were knit together decades ago, we spiritually communicate with each other's hearts. Nobody can get through that barrier. Didn't you feel it when our love was rekindled in the post office?" , she argued. " Yes I did.", he admitted, "and I'm like a lovesick puppy around you, still. I guess my Dad was right, it's puppy love." She grinned, knowingly, and warned, "and don't ever call yourself a schmuck in my presence again, mister. You are the most honest, intelligent, sensitive, manly, loving, articulate stud muffin I've ever known. I can't, WILL NOT, live without you ever again. You got that mister?" He said, "Sarah you got through to me". She said, "and now, Please Baby can we get back to snuggling?" He said, "yes, permission to touch you inappropriately, Ma'am?" She giggled, "permission granted, Sargent". He laughed, "I've been promoted".

The morning rays of the sun played through the gauzy curtains, making geometric patterns on the ceiling and outlining two people in love as they awakened from their sleep and played the little games that couples have enjoyed through the centuries. Sarah smiled and questioned, "we didn't do anything major that we shouldn't have last night, did we Lieutenant?" "Oh Boy, another spot promotion", he laughed, "No Ma'am, your 'iron princess' image has turned to soft sensuous aluminum, but still there." She laughed, "That deserves a good breakfast, have you got anything in the refrigerator for me to cook?" He said, "there should be bacon and eggs. I'll get a loaf of bread out of the freezer." They shared a kiss that would make butter melt .

Dale turned on the mp3 player and his very romantic tunes came out. "I like your mix of contemporary and old songs, you can dance to these", she purred as she moved around rhythmically. "I noticed you changed from your kittycats to your alluring, nightgown", he moaned. She explained, "I,ve got to keep your interest." He replied, "No problem."

The bacon frying and the coffee making made the kitchen a very nice place to be. Dale was hugging Sarah around the waist from behind while she was cooking, she kidded, "you're going to get burnt." He said, "I know,

you're a smokin' hot babe." She whimpered, "you're not helping with your shirt off." "Getting to you, is it", he asked. "Is it hot in here or is it just me?" she whined. "HELLO, you're cooking", he kidded as he slipped his shirt on and poured two cups of coffee.

They sat there eating breakfast and Dale asked, " you want to go out to Mike and Debra Riggins place today? I need to ask him to be my best man, and we could hand deliver their Wedding invitation." She kidded, "Boy you'll do anything to save a stamp, won't you - what a cheapskate!" He said, " I buy you a gorgeous ring, you call me a cheapskate and you're still wearing three plastic rings on your fingers." Why don't you throw the plastic ones away." She said, "I've waited decades to wear your ring and I want to wear every one you've ever given me. I'm love sick, do you mind?" He kidded, "it sounds like you're looking for Love in all the right places." She grinned, "Yes, finally."

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