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They locked up and headed for town. Dale said, "You will be surprised how fast the Princess Barn goes up when we have the money. In four days I will close the sale of this place, and then there's no stopping us. That Princess Barn is my Wedding gift to you, it's going to be very special." She said, " I can't wait, especially the lover's retreat." The went to the variety store and came out with a sack full of labels and Sharpies. Then they parked in the parking lot of the Post Office. After checking the mail, they headed to the Diner and sat down. Erlene wasn't working that day, but they ordered what they had to eat that second day they had met for their second love affair - he had a Club sandwich with Onion rings and Ice tea and she had the Clam strip basket and Root Beer. Soon their food came and they shared just like they had that other eventful day, having a wonderful time, reliving the experience again and the effect it had on their lives.

The Grocery store was next and Sarah filled her list and they headed for home. She put the groceries away while Dale called the Sale Stager, Mickey, making an appointment for him to come out and look at the items the next day at two o'clock PM. Then he started labeling and tabulating the items for sale. Sarah appeared and they worked together for hours, until almost six o'clock. They went in and started Dinner. Dale washed some potatoes, and micro-waved them till they were perfect. He opened a can of green beans, put some butter on them in a bowl and micro-waved them also. Sarah prepared the strip steaks and grilled them until they were perfect. She even lit some candles to enhance the atmosphere.They dished up the food and had some wine with it. It was a delicious meal and they talked about their future in Rathdrum, and the Princess Barn.

After the meal, they did the few dishes and watched Jeopardy. It got dark and Sully called about a problem with his truck. Dale was giving him mechanic advice, but Sully was confused. Dale asked Sarah, "Want to go over to Sully's with me, he needs help with his truck." She said, "I'm tired, you go, it's just across the way." He said, " Babe, I really think you should go it won't be too long." She said, "No, you go, Sully needs your help." He said, "Alright, don't be afraid to give me a call." She said, "Just don't be gone long." He kissed her and locked the door behind him as he left. He drove over to Sully's house.

When he got there, Sully was out in his shop with a trouble light hanging in his truck's engine room, with the hood up. Sully was trying to explain what he thought was wrong. Dale tested the starter and found problems. They removed the starter and disassembled it on the bench. His cell phone rang and Sarah said, "I really miss you Babe, are you coming home soon?" He answered, "Yeah, sweetheart, we got the starter out and I see what's wrong with it. It'll probably be a half hour to fix." She said, "Just come home soon." And she hung up. Sully said, "I don't want to cause trouble between you and the Misses , just go on home." Dale said, "I know you need your truck tomorrow, we'll have it fixed in a few minutes. Let's get to it." It took a little longer to get the starter cleaned and put back together, but it went back in the truck easily, they started the engine and it worked perfectly. Dale said a hasty goodbye and hurried home.

When he shut the truck off under the carport, he noticed that all the lights in the house were on. He took his key and unlocked the door and called for Sarah. No answer but he could hear her crying. He began to look around, panic in his mind and a lump in his throat. He found her in the bedroom, sitting in the corner of the floor, staring at the door, crying with fear in her eyes and the Sig Sauer nine millimeter pistol in her lap. He spoke softly, "Sarah, it's Dale. You're safe, I'm going to put away the gun." She said, "Why didn't you come home. I was so scared." He bent over and took the pistol in his hand and helped her up, then hugged her very tightly and said, "You're safe. I'm here, just talk to me." She hugged him for a long time, and then said, "I'm sorry Baby, I'm not crazy, I was just so scared." He said, "The doors are locked and all the lights are on, you're completely safe, I've made sure." She said, "I'm ashamed, Dale, I thought I was stronger than this. Please forgive me." He said, "No reason to be ashamed, Baby, you've been through something that would leave a lot of people in the looney bin. I'm just glad I have you back home safe with me. That's a gift from The Lord. Do you want to go sit in the kitchen and talk or cuddle and talk?" She asked, "Can we cuddle on the couch and talk?" He said, "As long as you want to, my precious Sarah."

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