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They jointly began to make breakfast, with tunes playing in the background, stopping only to dance in the kitchen for a minute. They sat eating the meal and studying the Seattle Sectional chart, as he showed her the route over the pass to Eastern Washington.They finished the quick breakfast and took turns using the bathroom, with the other doing their final pack. Soon they were locking up the place and putting a few little things in the plane.

They rolled the Cessna out of the hangar, put his truck inside the hangar for safe keeping, and did the preflight. Sarah remarked, "I just can't believe how much adventure is in my life now, and how much loneliness and futility I left behind." He smiled, "WOW, I feel the same way. Now, get a grip, I need a good Pilot beside me." She saluted and said, "Airwoman Amber reporting for duty, Sir" He joked, "Airwoman Amber what is your policy on inappropriate romantic behavior in the airplane?" She replied, "Sir, inappropriate behavior in the airplane is not reported, but it will be graded." He just shook his head and they finished locking up everything and got into the gleaming Cessna.

They set the instruments, she yelled "clear prop" and started the Lycoming engine, then he guided her through the run-up, again. The engine sounded great and they took a good look around. He announced, "follow my control movements lightly on your wheel and when we get airborne, it's your airplane. The general idea of a rough field takeoff is to get airborne reasonably fast so as to minimize rolling friction. He advanced the throttle and they soon were off and climbing. She said, "I've got it", and kept up the climb on a good heading. While they were climbing out, he refreshed her memory of the GPS procedures. He said, "you're doing well, now initiate a turn to zero three five degrees." She complied and they soon were on their way to the first way-point at Mossyrock, Washington. She leveled out of the climb at five thousand five hundred feet, and trimmed the airplane out for cruise.

The scenery was impressive and he could see her relaxing and smiling. "Sarah, men frequently use 'dating tools' to enhance their wenching ability. These include dogs and other pets, sports cars, buying expensive gifts, and going to lavish restaurants. How would you rate my Cessna as a 'dating tool" in your case?', he questioned. She did a quick instrument scan and then reached over and kissed him. He remarked, "that's a nine point five". After Mossyrock, he pointed to their right, she turned to an easterly heading and they headed over White Pass. The Cascades were breathtaking as they headed across to the other side. He said, "just turn to a northeasterly heading and line the needle up in the indicator. That's just about right." She was smiling, and he reached over and fondled her, saying, "I just wanted to see what my grade would be." She said, " six point eight, good form and dismount, but your passion was low." He complained, "HELLO, you're flying the airplane, any more passion and we might crash." She grinned and remarked, "Judges re-calibrate, eight point six." "That's more like it", he replied.

She observed, "It's sure dry over here on the east side." He chuckled, "You live in the green country in north Idaho, I live in the green country of southwest Washington, and in between it's yellow and brown. The irony is that the Palouse and the east side is remarkably productive Agriculturally. It is a fact that although Idaho is sometimes referred to as 'the potato state', Washington produces more Russet-Burbank potatoes. There's also a joke that they were going to put up a sign on I-Ninety just west of Spokane that said, "Keep Driving, it gets better!"

They reached the way-point south of Moses Lake, there was some heavy jet traffic to the north, and turned slightly to the northeast for the long leg to Spokane Valley. "I won't pull the throttle and scare you, like my instructor used to do to me. If the engine quit right now, where would you try to land the plane at? I've got the ship, you look around and try to find the best place to make an emergency landing", he urged. She scanned the topography carefully while Dale did an 'S' turn to help her vision. She excitedly said, "That looks like an airstrip down there, to our right." He said, "excellent choice, your Hotness. I goofed up when I was training, because I didn't see an airfield below us. My instructor didn't let me forget that, ever. OK we're back on course and altitude, you want to fly or should I take it for awhile?" She decided, " I need a break. It's my turn for inappropriate behavior, you grade." She groped him and he said, "that's a nine point two, excellent follow-through and form, but the giggling hurt your score."

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