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Dale got Sarah some punch and they posed for the cake cutting and sharing pictures and the toast. Mike was eloquent and gracious in his toast to the Groom, which surprised Dale, although he did mention that he had serious reservations about Sarah's mental state, which got laughs. The Maid of Honor toasted Sarah and then everyone began consuming the wedding feast, which consisted of a choice of Braised Sirloin Tips or Chicken Cordon Bleu and assorted salads and fresh Rolls. Dale and Sarah shared a toast of Harvey's Bristol Cream Sherry with Pres, and Mary and her whole family. Mike and Debra joined in and toasted everyone's health. Doctor Edmonds and Beatrice stood and toasted the happy couple with a few gracious words. Afterwards Dale and Sarah opened their gifts and thanked everyone. The song, "At Last", began playing and the couple danced their first dance as man and wife. Sarah got changed and Dale drove her away in the Toyota with tin cans dragging along behind. Their Grand Wedding was over and they were very happy.

The happy couple arrived back home and he led her to the couch. As they sat very close there, Dale said, "Sarah, my Light of Love, I've got an idea to run by you." She cuddled up to him and softly answered, "Anything, my sweet husband." He said, "First we turn all the phones off, lock the doors, and turn on some soft music. I propose we take a shower together and then towel off. I will powder puff baby powder on you and then we will love each other totally, completely and wonderfully, as long as we desire. I want the first memory of our Married Love to be sweet and unforgettable. She kissed him in the top of the ear lobe, and whispered, "I'm yours, my Love." They turned off all the phones, locked the doors and turned some soft beautiful music on, while she lighted Cinnamon and Bayberry candles. They stripped off each other's clothes, and stepped into the shower. Their fingers explored the once forbidden places and their lips met in moist pleasure. Once they were completely wet and softly embracing as one, they turned the shower off, stepping out and toweling each other off. They embraced and Dale took the powder Puff and patted his exquisite Bride's skin with the Baby powder. The room was filled with the ethereal scents of soft bodies and Talcum, and the candles' spices.

Dale rubbed some of the exotic lotion on her and then softly asked Sarah to apply the herbal Prolong. She rubbed it on him sensuously . He handed her a soft towel and she wiped her hands. They began to move together, as close as a man and woman can be. They made little sighs of pleasure that rose in frequency and pitch. In awhile, their voices rose in volume to an orgasmic level and then slowly ceased. They lie there just breathing rapidly and then they started to laugh, softly at first and then more heartfelt, punctuated by hot kisses. They slowly fell silent. After a couple of minutes, Sarah started crying, quietly and then with intensity. Dale was moved and began to weep, slipping to her side. They clung to each other sweetly, sharing the powerful emotion. They opened their tear-filled eyes and looked into the face of their lover. Life and time seemed to stand still, they lie there in quiet passion, softly breathing for awhile. After a few minutes, she broke the stillness, " I've never felt anything so intensely wonderful in all my life. Can we do that again and again for the rest of our life?" He softly promised, " As long as our heart's are beating, and we have breath."

They kissed passionately and then they went back to the soft embrace of love. He said, "I knew you would be a passionate and attentive lover. I have never felt anything so wonderful in all my life, either." They lie entwined there for an hour whispering, kissing and touching each other . She softly whispered, "I'm beginning to feel something stirring again." He grinned, "Me too. I think the young stag is beginning to awaken." She applied a little stimulation in the right place and he asserted, "I'm ready for more. Do you want to try another way?" She smiled and said, "What do I do?" He said, " I'll just lie flat and you overshadow me on your knees and just do what comes naturally. She got into position, and said, "Oh, I see what you mean. How does this feel?" He said, "Wonderful, don't stop."

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