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Sarah, Dale, Mike, Tim, Tim, and Wade all shook hands and smiled as they parted company. The Sheriff joined them and a TV camera crew and reporter interviewed them all briefly about the case. Dale stopped the media circus and took Sarah home, saying goodbye to Mike in the parking lot. Sarah said, "Thank you, Mike, from the bottom of our hearts for putting your life on the line for me, and for helping Dale and me to get through this safely. I know you counseled Dale and helped him to do the right thing.

You're one of those friends that come along once in a lifetime." Mike just hugged them and went on his way." Dale opened the door to the truck and helped Sarah in. He smiled and said, " I'm pretty sure they have released our home as a crime scene and we can get back to normal." She said, "What, no Park-N-Spark?" He replied, "You are a force of nature Lady." She said, "Just because three goons temporarily hijacked our Honeymoon, doesn't mean we're going to let them defeat us." He said, "Ok, here we go." He headed up to Siegenhagen hill and parked in their usual spot. The moon was filling the valley with glorious light. He turned on the love songs. She began kissing him and they were soon caught up again in their love affair. She asked, "Do you remember our love poem?" He said, "Yes I do, you want to hear it?" She kissed him, and he softly said the words, "


Sarah go lightly among the Jasmine

Sarah, soft kiss me and stroke my hair

Sarah, drift through my mind with your fragrance

Sarah, let your erotic rain sprinkle me

Lady, enrapture my senses with your body

sweet spice my tongue with yours

child of dreams touch my secret parts

creature of delight, awaken love and nourish it

rouse my desire and keep it for only you

white nubile shape, start the fire of passion

Sarah, be mine alone till the fire of life turns to darkness."

She said, "That is wonderful. I feel so incredibly loved. Now, when you get your comedy back, we'll be on the sunny side of the mountain and far away from the dark side we were dragged to." He kissed her passionately and said, "Just say 'Clown Zone Open' and we'll get back to being abnormal." She said, "Clown Zone Open." He said, "did you hear about the woman who called her Dyslexic husband who was coming home on the freeway, and told him, "Be careful, dear, there's one nut on the freeway going the wrong way on the northbound lanes", He said, "One, there's hundreds." She chuckled, " Am I supposed to forget that joke was from Bicentennial Man." He said, "Thank God you're so good at Movie trivia ! Otherwise we probably wouldn't be having this conversation." She said, "rememba', Grasshoppa', if your movie kung fu wasn't good, you'd still be flying around searching for me."

They kidded and kissed for awhile and then she said, " I'm getting sleepy, take me home." He started the truck, she snuggled into his space and they headed home. The Hangar house was locked and deserted. Dale and Sarah got out and saw a clump of crime scene tape lodged in a bush. Sarah grabbed it and said, "This is going into my history file, right alongside the 'Inter-mountain Angels' sign." Sarah looked apprehensive as they stepped inside the dark home. Dale reassured her, "I'll make sure everything is safe for you." "He turned on every light in the house and searched the rooms. When they saw that everything was theirs again, they locked the door and went back to low key lighting and stripped off their clothes, put them in the washer. They brushed their teeth, and then took a long shower together. When they were through, they smelled like soap. They toweled each other off and out came the Baby Powder and the Powder Puff. Man and Wife went to bed and made love while beautiful Brasilian Sambas echoed in the background.

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