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Dale said, "Well, folks, as much as we have enjoyed the Erlene and Frank show, we've got to be on our way. We've got to go home and practice resisting temptation some more." They said their goodbyes and went to the truck, amid talk of "Come and see us again, we're going to try and make the Wedding." They headed on down the road, the moon was rising and making the evening very enchanting.

Sarah ordered, "Park-N-Spark, driver, and don't spare the horses." Dale complied and soon they were parked in their spot, with the moonlit valley spread out below and two other cars of teenagers parked way behind them. Dale said, "I always wondered what 'the throes of passion" meant." Sarah answered, " I think it goes like this", and hotly embraced him. He whispered, "If this ain't it, it'll do." After much huffing and puffing, Dale asked,"I wonder if there are any Adirondack chairs up here?" She asked, "Or any cold showers?" He turned on some polka music and they continued cuddling at a slower pace. "Polka music always does the trick", he joked.

Dale put on a playlist of Sixpence none the Richer, The Left Banke and other romantic bands. Then he started the engine, drove the truck down the hill and then home. Dale turned on the lights, viewed his emails and did a little writing, while Sarah got ready for bed. She came out of the bathroom and hung on him till he relented and they retired. He had a sheet of paper on the side table, and he asked", do you want to hear this love poem I wrote to you?" She said, " does it mention pork and beans? If it doesn't, Yes, I do."

He began to read, slowly and passionately,


Sarah go lightly among the Jasmine

Sarah, soft kiss me and stroke my hair

Sarah, drift through my mind with your fragrance

Sarah, let your erotic rain sprinkle me

Lady, enrapture my senses with your body

sweet spice my tongue with yours

child of dreams touch my secret parts

creature of delight, awaken love and nourish it

rouse my desire and keep it for only you

white nubile shape, start the fire of passion

Sarah, be mine alone till the fire of life turns to darkness."

She lie there for awhile with eyes leaking tears and then asked, "Did you ever write Josie a poem?" He whispered, "No you're the only woman I ever wrote a poem for." She held him so tightly he could scarcely breathe, and said, "That means we are forever bonded together." They fell asleep in each other's arms.

They were lying very still, cheek-to-cheek as the sweet talk flowed in the soft light of morning. They were cuddling , and as their breathing cadence rose, she suddenly jumped out of bed and loudly announced, "twenty four days and counting." He laughed and said, "THANKS, I needed that." She said, "I'll cook breakfast, it's the least I can do to make up for pouring water on that lovely fire." He kissed her and said, "I don't want that fire to completely die, just quieten down a little." They filed into the kitchen and washed their hands together. He got some frozen bacon out of the freezer and put it into the microwave for thawing. She said, "You be in charge of the toast and I'll scramble some eggs and bacon." The invigorating smell of breakfast filled the room as they sat to eat . She said, "I found this low-acid orange juice in the refrigerator", and poured two glasses. They ate the breakfast, barely speaking, and then got ready for the days activities. Dale read some scripture to her as she did her hair.

"We should go over to Sully's place and tell him what's happening", Dale mentioned. She got in the truck and he drove over to his next neighbor. Sully came out and said, "so this is the gal I've heard about." Dale replied, "Sully, this is my Fiance, Sarah Amber from Rathdrum, Idaho." They shook hands, and Sully remarked, 'you sure found a pretty one, Dale." He laughed, "It's more like She found me. We were sweethearts in the eighth grade in Montana. She looked me up a little over a week ago, and then I asked her to marry me." Sully grinned, "I don't blame you, a fella' would be a fool not to put a ring on her finger as quickly as possible." Sully asked, "you folks want to come in for a cup of coffee?" Sarah said, "Sure, Dale has some news for you."

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