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He walks through the door and tried to close it as quietly as possible but he didn't realize when you walked up to him standing right there behind him. All your stuff is packed into 2 suitcases. He turns around and gasps clutching his chest as he lets out a shaky breath.

"Y/n, you scared me." He scans your form, eyes then wandering to the bags by your side then looking back up to you. He ended things tonight with that girl. He told himself it was just sex, and it was. He didn't love her, she didn't love him. The girl used him for sex too, each screaming out different names each time they met.

"Where are you going? Your mother's?"

"I'm leaving Jungkook. I'm done."

"What do you mean?" He looks at your bags again as many things run through his mind. His heart hammering against his chest. He's scared.

"Jungkook it's almost 1 in the morning. You haven't looked at me, touched me, KISSED me in months. You expect me to stay with you after you've been cheating on me?"

"I-I, hear me out-" You laugh sarcastically, not believing he can actually come up with some bullshit excuse to make you stay. You rub your forehead just above your eyebrow, frustrated and tired.

"You don't even have the balls to end things. How much longer were you going to sleep on the couch? How much longer were you going to let me eat alone every night? How much longer were you going to fuck her before coming home to your roommate?"

"You were never my roommate to me! Not once. I fucked up but never once when I was with her did I wish it wasn't you. I thought you didn't want me. You were always asleep when I got home."

"That was all in your head. You can't honestly push the blame on me right now." He just stares at your face not knowing what to say. He knows what he did was wrong but he convinced himself it was better this way.

Fuck her but love you...

"I tried to stay up Jungkook... I did but if you wanted me you would have made the effort to try and get me. I planned dates that you blew off constantly, I try to hug you whenever you came to bed but you brushed me off. You gave up on a 7-year relationship... on what we built... 3 years after we got married. You don't love me bec-"

He cuts you off.

"I do Y/n... I do love you so much. You are the only one I want." You scoff walking closer to him, your body touches his as you peer up at him.

"Then why did you fuck her?"

He remains speechless as his eyes fill with tears. "Please don't leave me." You shake your head as you move away picking up your bags and walking to the door. Your back faces him as your hand reaches for the handle but a large hand wraps around your wrist. "please." His voice is barely a whisper as his face is now stained with tears.

Your hand leaves his as you turn to face him trying to put some distance between you two as you step aside, not wanting to be stuck between him and a wall.

"Tell me this Jungkook. Are you attracted to me anymore?"

"Yes, always."

"Are you attracted to her? Is she better- than I am?"

"NO! I never was. It's always been you please, I need you to believe me." He comes forward taking your hands in his and you let him wanting nothing more than to remember what it feels like to be touched by him again.

"Then why did you choose her? Every night why did you go to her? Why did you let me cry myself to sleep... every night?"

"It... Y/n it wasn't every night. It happened twice over 2 months it only happened twice. I was racked with guilt, I told her I couldn't do this to you anymore. please."

Gone J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now