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Friday, April 5th, 5:00 pm

"I'll meet you at the studio, I don't want you to drive all the way back here for me. I-I um have a few things to work out before I go anyway so..."

"Yeah, that's cool with us. Be there at 7 okay, some of the dancers at our other studio will be performing."

"See you soon. Love you Jiminie~"

"Love you too Y/n~"

After getting off the phone with Jimin you finish applying your makeup and sigh to yourself as you reluctantly gather your things and head out the door. You can't help but stare at the door across from yours, unmoving as you can't help but feel like you will regret this decision.

In what felt like less than a second the door opens and Jungkook almost knocks you over while in a rush. His chest is pressed against yours, his arms around your waist. Your hands hold onto his biceps trying to regain your balance.

You look up into the boy's eyes in enough time to see his once Jungshook expression fading away into a very attractive yet annoying smirk.

"Falling for me sooner than I thought but then again you never really stopped am I right? We could-" He points to his door without breaking eye contact.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence. Now I need a ride because my car broke down a-and get your hands o-off m-me." You say as you try to wiggle out of his embrace.

"I'll give you a ride under one condition... a kiss on a body part of your choice. Deal?" You twist your jaw as you remember how many times he's done this trick during your marriage, needless to say, he always gets his way.

You travel your hands up his arm as you -in your heels- still need to get on your tippy-toes to reach him. His lip has always been a weakness for you and just like all the other times, he wore his cherry chapstick making his lips all the more popping.

As your lips touch him, he walks you backward pressing you into your door. When your head hit the door you couldn't help but moan into the kiss that has grown hotter with each passing moment. His hands roam the curves of your hips, one of them reaching down to gently grab your butt.

This seemed to wake you up from whatever trance you happened to be in as you push him away. The both of you are out of breath heads spinning as your gazes are locked on one another.

"That's the place you chose? Am I that tempting... love?"

"Shut up... loser! We have to go before Hobi and Jiminie get pissed." He shakes his head with a small smirk loving that he can still get you flustered.

You turn around walking ahead of him thinking of ways to get him back which gives him the time to appreciate the red just above the knee dress, the back dipping low with semi-thick block straps.

He shakes his head, jogging to catch up to you before you close the elevator in his face.


You arrived at the new studio the boys' just opened up with half an hour to spare. As Jungkook looked for parking you headed in quickly finding Jimin and Hobi.

"Congrats you guys. A second dance studio? Amazing."

"Thank you, sweetie, you made it in time for the performances. Is everything okay though? What was it you had to take care of?" Hobi says handing you a glass of champagne

Gone J.JKحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن