115 18 2

Saturday 5:30 am

You and Jimin somehow finished the entire tub of ice cream and fell asleep on the couch after watching reruns of 'Running man'. But that wasn't the most memorable thing to happen that morning.

The sudden loud music being played from the vacant apartment across from yours wakes both of you up. Jimin instantly gets to his feet smacking you in the face in the process, putting you in an even worse mood.

"Okay, what the fuCk is that noise?" You scratch your head making your way to the door while you try to gather your thoughts. Before you could open the door Jimin's hand is on your arm holding you back.

"Y/n wait. We need to talk-" You pull your arm away from his cutting him off as you narrow your eyes at him. "We can talk after I beat the shit out of whoever is playing music this loud so early."

You quickly make your way out of you your apartment banging on the door across from yours.

"Whoever the fuck you are you better open this door before kick-" Just then the door flies open leaving you shocked by both the music being cut off and the person behind it.

"Hey, babe. Missed me?" Jungkook rests an arm on the door frame as he leans down towards you. Slowly and almost eerily you turn around to glare at the boy standing in your apartment scared.

Just as you were about to run and maim your best friend, Jimin slams the door locking it. Jungkook, on the other hand, grabs your hand pulling you into his humble abode.

"Make yourself at home... Have you had breakfast yet?" He walks away heading into the kitchen leaving you to stare at a blank tv surrounded by boxes.

"You two are dead. I'm telling you, once I get coffee in me you two are going to be 10 feet under." You close your eyes rubbing your temple trying to get rid of your headache.

Your eyes shoot open as you feel sudden heat on your face. Looking down you see a steaming hot cup of coffee made just the way you like it.


You glance up and Jungkook who's smiling brightly down at you. You nod taking it, hands brushing one another's. The feeling leaves your skin burning hotter than the cup you're holding.

"Thanks." He nods placing a plate of cookies on the small table in front of you two. "Jungkook I have work in a couple of hours so would you like to tell me what exactly you are doing here."

He turns towards you one leg up on the couch the other dangling off, his elbow resting on the back of the couch. He watches you carefully, knowing you have a few more things to say before he can even get a word in.

"You can tell me who told you about this place. I promise I won't get mad."

"Y/n-" You turn to face him ready to cut him off not that he had much to say at that point, he just wanted you to turn and face him.

"Was it Jimin? No- it- it had to have been Hoseok right? He told you I looked at a second apartment in the building. Just tell me."

"Are you done?-" You nod gesturing for him to start. "After you moved out I moved in since Hobi sold his place. I overstayed my welcome for about 2 weeks. I might have told them that I'd be home late but I overshot that too... I may have walked in on them... well I moved out the next day."

You nod chuckling as you could see how Kook would have handled that situation. One word. BADLY.

"I did that one except they forgot that I was going over. Needless to say, they brought me a lot of ice cream."

Gone J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now