119 10 5

7:30 pm

"Jungkook hurry up! How hard is it-"

"Very hard baby..."

"-is it to open the door? horny ass." You whisper the last few words knowing he heard it but not caring all that much. When he finally gets the door opened the two of you stumble in kicking off your shoes. Your coat was halfway off your arms when...

"Hey, guys! W-what are you doing?" You and Jungkook whip your heads towards your living room finding both Jimin and Hoseok on the couch with a big bowl of popcorn.

"W-we had to... use the bathroom... and we were trying to beat the other to it first." You say hesitantly as you peel off your coat from your body. You look over at a frozen Jungkook for help hoping they bought it but he shrugs instead.

"Jungkook why- why didn't you just use your own bathroom?" Jimin asks looking between the two of you.

"Because I got my door opened first."

"Well... Jungkook go use the bathroom." Hoseok said pointing to the hallway.

"What- I don't- okay..." He walks away with his shoulders slouched while you turn around putting your coat on the rack and locking back the door staring at it for a moment before turning around.

You walk over to the tv standing in front of it putting both hands on your hips.

"I have a few quick questions... one how did you get in? And two if you heard me struggling with the door why didn't you jackasses get up?" They look at each other not entirely sure what to say.

All three of you get distracted when Jungkook walks into the room.

"How did you guys get in?" He looks at you and then back to them as he raises his brows, eyes widening in the process. "What?"

You sigh walking away. "I'm going to get changed..."

"Wait-" Jungkook furrows his brows quickly following you. Just before you closed your door Jungkook slips through closing it gently behind him.

"hey did i do something wrong?" He whispers as he watches you sit down on the edge of your bed. You stretch out your arm waiting for him to take your hand and once he does you pull him down to sit next to you.

"no, i just i wanted to... have some time alone with you. do you think they'll notice if we went to your place? or is the mood gone?" You chuckle unsure if everything is happening too soon.

He smiles at you as he tucks your hair behind your ear resting his hand on the side of your face gently rubbing your cheek with his thumb. He slowly leans in waiting for you to push him away.

He watches as your eyes shift from looking at his own and down to his lip staring for a while before looking back up with a smile. He could have sworn he saw your eyes sparkle as they used to when you'd look at him.

He hadn't seen that look in months. He can't describe the exact feeling he has looking into your eyes. He wants to forgive himself and at times he does but now... he can't help but feel like shit.

Before anything more happened you decided that this was the time to tell him your thoughts. With a heavy sigh, you sit up straight and lean away from Jungkook.

He looks at you with a confused and worried look.

"Remember earlier in your office when I said I wanted to talk about us and our situation?" He nods listening intently.

Gone J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now