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Four hours earlier...

You guys arrived at the club around 10 and luckily the wait wasn't too long. The four of you quickly found a little couch area and ordered a few drinks which Jimin and Hoseok gladly volunteered to get. You looked around at all the bodies rubbing against one another and you can't remember a night when you just let go.

A night where you weren't worrying about Jungkook getting to work on time the next morning. Worrying about him having a headache in the morning or if he'll be sick. Jimin had Hoseok and vice versa. Everyone was put before yourself and tonight... you want to be worried about.

"I've always hated clubs but tonight I just wanna get fucked up!" You say to Jungkook while shifting closer to him. You could see him stiffen up which only left you confused.

The entire night he has been somewhat distant and stand-offish. You don't know what you did but you thought things were going somewhere with the two of you, so you need to know. You turn to him making sure it wasn't in your head.

"Jungkook? Are you okay? Did I do something wrong because you have been weird all night."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to it's just I'm nervous. You invited me out with you and I was- am extremely happy about that and then you walk out the door looking that... and I- I feel like I'm back in high school."

You blush, feeling the butterflies stir. A feeling you haven't felt in way too long.

"I- wait, is that why you've been weird with me? Really we've been through so much- done... so much and me inviting you out is all it took?"

"Y/n you're beautiful. Everything about you is beautiful, you have made me nervous since I met you and I can't- I love you. Of course, it would only take something so little to get me."

You smile at him as you are kind of left a little speechless, he reaches for your hand hoping you won't pull away, luckily for him, you didn't. His thumb gently caresses the back of your hand.


"Shots bitches... Let's get fucked up!!" Hoseok says as he places the tray down, Jimin holding the regular orders and looks between you and Jungkook who have not taken your eyes off one another.

"D-did we interrupt something?"

Your eyes soften the longer you look at the man that has hurt and jump-started your heart. Bitting your lip, you hope he says something anything really, you just wanted him to give you reassurance.

At some point you brow furrowed, eyes fell along with your head. Your shoulders slumped and you sighed looking at the other boys.

"No," You shake your head and start to pull your hand away form Jungkook's. You didn't see the glare Hoseok was giving Kook considering you were just reaching for your drink.

Before you guys made it to the club Hoseok had asked Jungkook to go with him to the bathroom which at first he refused. But a strong warning look from his hyung and Jungkook all but ran to the bathroom.

Hoseok told him a little about the talk he had with you in your apartment and strongly advised Jungkook to make a move tonight before he lost you for good.

So the look he was giving the younger boy right now jolted Jungkook into sliding only slightly closer to you while you pass around the tequila shots.

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