122 16 3

Friday, September 6th, 4:30 pm

"I hate to do this to you Eric- Mr.Nam sir but I'm handing you this because it's time."

You sat in front of your boss in his office as you slide an envelope across his desk. Inside was your two-week notice. Three whole years and you finally are going to try and make your sidelined art career well a career.

"Hey it's fine I'm happy you're trying. I've bought more of your pottery than anyone in this place. I've only ever supported you so tell me when you finally have something up and running and I'll be your first customer."

He stands up and you follow suit extending your hand waiting for him to shake it. Instead, he giggles walking around his desk and giving you a tight hug. Fondly patting you on the head as he smiles down at you.

"My wife has been bugging me to buy a new plate set since the twins started breaking things. If you need anything, you know where I live."

You thank him, giving him one last hug before you turn around and leave. A sad yet excited smile is etched onto your face. You walk around letting your feet take you wherever it wants.

You never actually thought that you'd try to do this, after getting married you guys needed the money, and trying to sell your pottery and open a business just wasn't in the cards at the time. But now-now it's time to put yourself first.

You finally stop in front of a building, smiling gently as you push on the doors.

"I quit my job today." You lift your hands in triumph but slowly move them back down by your side as the two boys along with their current class stare at you like you've lost your dam mind.

"Okay, guys um let's take a 10- or 15-minute break. Y/n do you want to come to talk with us?" They slowly sit flat on the floor patting the area between them. You take off your bag and coat and walk over to them sitting down. "What did you do?"

"I handed in my two-week notice, I managed to save up enough money to buy a space and pay my rent and I have a few customers lined up. Oh did I mention I will be doing ceramics full time? Because I am."

"Oh my god no you didn't!! Finally."

"I did and now I feel like I'm going to be a struggling artist with no money... oh god what did I do? Is it too late to beg for my job back?" You lie back and put your hands over your face contemplating if quitting your decent, bill paying, put food on the table job was a good idea.

"Listen, babe, you will go home and relax okay. After we close and we will go get you drunk. Right now you need to destress preferably under or hell over whichever you prefer-" You sit up abruptly narrowing your eyes at him as you proceed to cut him off.

"Jimin I'm not having sex with Jungkook."

"If you let me finish you'd hear me say... 'just get under the covers and binge watch some trash tv or 14+ seasons of Grey's Anatomy'... I don't care. You are finally going what you love. You deserve a break."

He squishes your cheeks together and moves your head side to side as he tries to instill some courage into you because if anyone knows just how long you've pushed what you love away... it's your best friend.

"Can you call me when you get home? I don't want to get dressed too early."


6:30 pm

Gone J.JKTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon